Let's get one thing clear from the start. Medical science in the latter part of the 20th Century and the earlier part of the 21st has advanced at a dizzying speed. The average lifespan (at least in the First World) has been extended by decades in the last century or two, and the pace of the advance of that science is accelerating, not slowing. With stem-cell research, breakthroughs in cloning, keyhole surgery and more, humans will soon become all but immortal. There will be no illness, no injury, no trauma so severe that it can't be repaired, perhaps using replacement organs grown from your own cells, taken at birth and stored until they're needed. This is a good thing.
Because it means that, hopefully within our lifetime, it'll be possible to take the people responsible for signing off Atari's "Driv3r" as finished and ready for sale, imprison them in a dingy dockside warehouse, beat them to a prolonged, blood-soaked death over a period of several days using jagged rocks, then bundle them into a waiting car, take them to a backstreet clinic, have a corrupt surgeon quickly revive them before brain death occurs, carefully and diligently restore them back to health over a recovery period of weeks and months, probably involving lots of exhausting and painful physiotherapy, and then drag them back to the warehouse and beat them to death again. Except slightly more brutally.