Buggy Loop
Been reading up on WoW lately and i find the druid class to be particulary attractive, it just seems so damn fun.. water form, bear form for a semi warrior, cat form for a semi rogue, best buffs, feign death which irrc, no other class has, healing, etc.
I dont know but, stealth + feign death = insanely good puller (eventually), monks and even SKs in EQ were the best pullers you could grab. Tanking and melee'ing in bear form, switching back to druid form to heal after battle and buff, etc. Aquatic form for for breathing and faster travel underwater, travelling form for, well travel around without a mount.. Seems very versatile.
Sounds good on paper, but those who played or are playing WoW, how do they hold up compared to others?
I dont know but, stealth + feign death = insanely good puller (eventually), monks and even SKs in EQ were the best pullers you could grab. Tanking and melee'ing in bear form, switching back to druid form to heal after battle and buff, etc. Aquatic form for for breathing and faster travel underwater, travelling form for, well travel around without a mount.. Seems very versatile.
Sounds good on paper, but those who played or are playing WoW, how do they hold up compared to others?