From Menashe at ign forums:
"In the back of the newest EGM there are a lot of cool new quotes from famous developers. Here's what's turned up from some big names (no actual quotes from the mag, just summaries of the conversations):
Super Monkey Ball's Toshihiro Nagoshi-
Nintendo asked him to make a Super Monkey Ball game and he says he was interested in making it.
Baten Kaitos' Shinji Noguchi-
Says users would love to have Baten Kaitos on the DS. A card based game like BK would work well with the touch panel.
Castlevania's Koji Igarashi-
Confirmed a Castlevania game for the DS with the same style gameplay as Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow for GBA. (Also says touch-screen is likely to get greasy after kids eat food and then play DS.
Dead or Alive and Ninja Gaiden's Tomonobu Itagaki-
Says DS is better than PSP. Confirms game being made for DS along with his daughter who is a major Nintendo fan.
Sonic's Yuji Naka-
Nintendo asked him to make a Chu-Chu Rocket game for DS. He also confirmed a game called Project RUB which is a brand new genre but otherwise secret.
Also the Silent Hill Director says he wants to make a Silent Hill game but a portable isn't good for scary games so it'll probably be a Silent Hill which is more shooting oriented.
Also the Final Fantasy director and the Contra director both said they will make games for DS once they figure out how to implement new ways to use its features. "
Can anyone confirm this?
"In the back of the newest EGM there are a lot of cool new quotes from famous developers. Here's what's turned up from some big names (no actual quotes from the mag, just summaries of the conversations):
Super Monkey Ball's Toshihiro Nagoshi-
Nintendo asked him to make a Super Monkey Ball game and he says he was interested in making it.
Baten Kaitos' Shinji Noguchi-
Says users would love to have Baten Kaitos on the DS. A card based game like BK would work well with the touch panel.
Castlevania's Koji Igarashi-
Confirmed a Castlevania game for the DS with the same style gameplay as Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow for GBA. (Also says touch-screen is likely to get greasy after kids eat food and then play DS.
Dead or Alive and Ninja Gaiden's Tomonobu Itagaki-
Says DS is better than PSP. Confirms game being made for DS along with his daughter who is a major Nintendo fan.
Sonic's Yuji Naka-
Nintendo asked him to make a Chu-Chu Rocket game for DS. He also confirmed a game called Project RUB which is a brand new genre but otherwise secret.
Also the Silent Hill Director says he wants to make a Silent Hill game but a portable isn't good for scary games so it'll probably be a Silent Hill which is more shooting oriented.
Also the Final Fantasy director and the Contra director both said they will make games for DS once they figure out how to implement new ways to use its features. "
Can anyone confirm this?