advanced basic bitch
It looks competent enough but there's also no reason for this to exist.
It's just soulless content for the streaming machine. My only hope is that it does well enough for them to maybe do the rest of franks books after Messiah.Much like the Rings Of Power this is an unnecessary prequel, made about a time in the story's history that is frankly pretty fucking dull.
Why not do a show about The Butlerian Jihad? That would surely be a much more worthwhile exercise, especially given AI's modern day rise.
These half arses series that are made to squeeze as much money out of a franchise with as little effort as possible are irritating in the extreme. Either commit fully to something epic and interesting, or don't fucking bother.
Isn't that kind of the point in Dune? Some tech is straight up banned in the lore.1000 years and the tech didn’t change in the slightest.
This would be dope.Why not do a show about The Butlerian Jihad? That would surely be a much more worthwhile exercise, especially given AI's modern day rise.
That's... hot.Reminder that the Brian Herbert prequel books are steaming diarrhea.
It’s based on worthless shit prequel novels written by Herbert’s son. They’re TERRIBLE.If the script is good it will be worth a watch.
I got the same problem with The Acolyte. 1000 years and everything still is based on the same technology. It’s the opposite to Star Trek Discovery, when old tech suddenly is more modern than new one.Isn't that kind of the point in Dune? Some tech is straight up banned in the lore.
Let's hope the script is unfaithful as fuck.It’s based on worthless shit prequel novels written by Herbert’s son. They’re TERRIBLE.
I thought it'd be OC... This shit is even worse. At least if we knew it was OC there's a chance it wouldn't be shit.It’s based on worthless shit prequel novels written by Herbert’s son. They’re TERRIBLE.
That's the premise of the series after thr Butlerian Jihad. And i kinds dig it.1000 years and the tech didn’t change in the slightest.
Ha i thought it looks like Raised by Wolfes at first as well.Wow, Raised by Wolves got a new season?!?!?!? Oh...wait
Are we gonna see a Navigator in this? The aesthetics look good, though hard to say if the cinematography can keep up. And the BG are basically conducting a breeding program based on eugenics and deliberate abortions of unwanted genders so hard to say how the optics are gonna go. Better have the Bene Tleilax as well.
I got the same problem with The Acolyte. 1000 years and everything still is based on the same technology. It’s the opposite to Star Trek Discovery, when old tech suddenly is more modern than new one.
It's what happens when every studio head says "I want a female fronted genre show!" at the same time in the wake of #metoo, the dev cycle is so long that its just now they are all landing and guess what, they are all drawing on the same sparse sources.between this and the recent Star Wars show (and Star Trek Picard season 1's romulan coven, for that matter), people really are obsessed with corny covens of witches in all black lately
Isn’t that intentional though? The collapse from a golden age, and all that entails?I get that.
It's like Knights of the Old Republic. Set around 4000 years before A New Hope, yet the technology on display is exactly the same. Just looks a little different.
Travis Fimmel sure knows how to pick his roles.
Looking forward to this.
Jesus H Noodle Monster this looks amazing..
This is exactly what I want outside of the incredible movies, to explore other parts of the galaxy and really get into how it all works and it looks like HBO have thrown a movies worth of budget at this, it looks as good as the movies, just don't fuck it up
Jesus H Noodle Monster this looks amazing..
This is exactly what I want outside of the incredible movies, to explore other parts of the galaxy and really get into how it all works and it looks like HBO have thrown a movies worth of budget at this, it looks as good as the movies, just don't fuck it up
They are to me the weakest link in the "great powers" of Dune. First because we know that they will fail their plan. Second because for all of their abilities they are just a nuisance to the other powers. And third because the real, only power that can't be ignored and is able to take control of humanity any time they want, the freaking Guild full of prescients navigators, don't get to be seen in 2 trailers?! Damn I will find it hard to look at this and think: each time any of those women move from one planet to another, they need the help of someone else. And if the Guild say no, they are fucked. At least the actors seems great.Also an excellent choice to base the whole thing on the Bene Gesserit as they interact with all the great houses, so hopefully we'll get to see others we haven't seen before.
I've never read the books, tried reading the first one but stopped where the first movie ended as a: I thought the book was rather basic and b: The movies did a far better job and I didn't want to spoil Dune2 but the one thing I really loved was the lore, so this series ticks all the boxes... JUST BE FUCKING GOOD
I dunno man, some of the writing team have worked on Dune Part 1&2 along with other pretty decent shows but based on that excellent trailer I'm happy to give them the benefit of doubt ..Rubbish. Visuals 10/10, logic 1/10. I guess we will get Dune of Thrones. The series is already based on writings of a hack, can’t really fall much further.
Really? The Navigators simply fly people around the galaxy, the Bene Gesserit manipulate the great houses and were responsible for some of their downfalls, they directly influence the Emporium ffs, there's so much shit you can do with that than you can with some glorified space uber driversThey are to me the weakest link in the "great powers" of Dune. First because we know that they will fail their plan. Second because for all of their abilities they are just a nuisance to the other powers. And third because the real, only power that can't be ignored and is able to take control of humanity any time they want, the freaking Guild full of prescients navigators, don't get to be seen in 2 trailers?! Damn I will find it hard to look at this and think: each time any of those women move from one planet to another, they need the help of someone else. And if the Guild say no, they are fucked. At least the actors seems great.
The thing is Uber is only one way among many to get to your destination. You can use a train, a plane, your own car or walk. In Dune, only the Guild can move people and cargo between planets in a timely manner. It goes to troops too. All of the power of the Imperium and Great houses is limited to the planet they control. Each time you have to move, you need the Guild. If you disobey the Guild or make them angry at you, no more trade. No more knowledge of the wider galaxy. You just stay in your planet and see your rivals grow faster with the Guild help. Both the Bene Gesserit and the Guild are parasites. But the Guild is a necessary one. They link humanity planets together, and did it for more than 10 000 years. Never loosing money or their monopoly in fast space travel. Using their ability to see in the future to make sure that nothing too bad happen to them and the rest of humanity. The Bene Gesserit just is a bunch of people who follow a very old plan, and again fail at it. In the books it is clear how much power the Guild have but they are not really in the films so it is normal to think of them as just pilots.Really? The Navigators simply fly people around the galaxy, the Bene Gesserit manipulate the great houses and were responsible for some of their downfalls, they directly influence the Emporium ffs, there's so much shit you can do with that than you can with some glorified space uber drivers
Cheers for that, my knowledge of Dune simply comes from the 2 movies and from the sounds of it they left a lot on the floor, if the guild are so powerful how are they not under the control of the empire?The thing is Uber is only one way among many to get to your destination. You can use a train, a plane, your own car or walk. In Dune, only the Guild can move people and cargo between planets in a timely manner. It goes to troops too. All of the power of the Imperium and Great houses is limited to the planet they control. Each time you have to move, you need the Guild. If you disobey the Guild or make them angry at you, no more trade. No more knowledge of the wider galaxy. You just stay in your planet and see your rivals grow faster with the Guild help. Both the Bene Gesserit and the Guild are parasites. But the Guild is a necessary one. They link humanity planets together, and did it for more than 10 000 years. Never loosing money or their monopoly in fast space travel. Using their ability to see in the future to make sure that nothing too bad happen to them and the rest of humanity. The Bene Gesserit just is a bunch of people who follow a very old plan, and again fail at it. In the books it is clear how much power the Guild have but they are not really in the films so it is normal to think of them as just pilots.
Cheers for that, my knowledge of Dune simply comes from the 2 movies and from the sounds of it they left a lot on the floor, if the guild are so powerful how are they not under the control of the empire?
Cheers for that, my knowledge of Dune simply comes from the 2 movies and from the sounds of it they left a lot on the floor, if the guild are so powerful how are they not under the control of the empire?
As C ClanOfNone , its been forever since I read it. But closer to the end of the book Paul said that if the Guild wanted to, they could have taken control and would have then been in charge for a while, but would have failed at some point. The guild members can see in the future and saw that happen, and choose to not take the throne, but stay as they are. And got more than 10 000 years of being in control of interstellar travel, while not fucking over humanity too much in the meantime. For me, the Guild is the only great power that is not in danger of loosing their position, or have any desire to change the state of affairs. They don't care who is in charge as they will always be needed, and have prescience to act in case that would change, and only the arrival of a better prophet in Paul Atreides changed that.It’s been forever, but iirc the Guild does hold a lot of sway, but they were a more esoteric order and weren’t interested in ruling stuff. They were happy enough splitting control with House Corrino as long as the spice kept flowing.
When Paul threatens to destroy all spice production he brings everyone to heel because people know interstellar travel is fucked without it.
In a real sense the Guild IS the empire, without them no one can get anywhere outside their planet, maybe just the local solar system. The Guild enables a stable, virtually unchanging, system for millennia at the cost of their own humanity. The Emperor in 40K is kinda doing a very similar thing. The Great Houses are just managing the day to day operations.Cheers for that, my knowledge of Dune simply comes from the 2 movies and from the sounds of it they left a lot on the floor, if the guild are so powerful how are they not under the control of the empire?
Ugh, that was my fear.Well, I tried.
Dull, pointless, prequel shit that feels like it desperately wants to be Game Of Thrones, while also bizarrely reminding me of the weird lesbian cult in The Acolyte.
The fact it basically glosses right over The Butlerian Jihad at the beginning is especially irritating, as that really does look like something much more interesting than grumpy women in black talk at each other. I can already see the patriarchy smashing going into overdrive.
Cheers for that, my knowledge of Dune simply comes from the 2 movies and from the sounds of it they left a lot on the floor, if the guild are so powerful how are they not under the control of the empire?
Yeah I didn't know what this was about thill this poopped up. AFter watching the trailer it was clear they just wanted more lesbian whiches.Well, I tried.
Dull, pointless, prequel shit that feels like it desperately wants to be Game Of Thrones, while also bizarrely reminding me of the weird lesbian cult in The Acolyte.
The fact it basically glosses right over The Butlerian Jihad at the beginning is especially irritating, as that really does look like something much more interesting than grumpy women in black talk at each other. I can already see the patriarchy smashing going into overdrive.