Official Website

The game is already out on mobile platforms, the release date for the PC & XBLA is October the 19th, PS3 is October the 18th.
Mac version confirmed, no release date yet

Dungeon Defenders is a third person tower defence game mixed with some rpg elements with online co-op. The goal in each game is to
defend Eternia Crystals from swarms of enemies. To help you in these tasks you can play as 4 classes each one with their own skill sets
and abilities as well as being able to level up and upgrade your character oh did I mention you have pet companions who join you in
battle? By building towers and defences you can slow the enemies down and upgrade your towers, collect loot and getting ready to face
boss battles.

Tower-Defense Meets Action-RPG:
Choose your class, customize your your character & equipment, strategically assemble your defenses, and participate directly in
action-packed battle to preserve your castle against the invading horde!
Seamless online and Local Multiplayer:
Team-up with 3 friends to defend cooperatively, with character classes that support each others strengths and weaknesses. Dynamically
combine local (splitscreen) and online players, and leave/join any time, so that the games always full.
Distinct Character-Classes:
Each character class has a unique balance and set of weapons, towers, and special abilities, for a different style of gameplay.
Loot & Level-Up:
Grab the mounds of money and items that your defeated foes drop, trade them or store them for later use in your Item Box! G
etting Kills and Completing Waves earns you experience points, which can be used to upgrade your character, your skills, your
equipment, and your Towers on a per-statistic basis do you want to enhance Hit Points, Attack Rate, Damage, etc? The choices are yours
to make. Store your massive overflow of money in the Mana Bank, and then spend it to improve your equipment or trade with other
Relentless hordes of enemies and Massive Bosses:
Over 100 simultaneous enemies will attempt to tear through your defenses, and at key
points gigantic Boss Monsters will appear to rain down havoc upon everyone. Only by employing the most effective defensive strategies,
teamwork, and strong characters will you defeat such devilish foes! Many Enemy Types, run the gamut from big dumb Orcs swinging huge
axes, to sly lithe Dark Elves striking from the shadows with bow & arrow, to crazy Kobolds armed with explosive packs. Unique boss
monsters provide set-piece battles, among them a gargantuan Ancient Dragon and a cantankerous Goblin Mech.
Variety of levels and game modes:
Each level has a different visual setting, layout, enemy types, traps, and distinct scripted surprises. Four difficulty settings from
novice to master, which also adjust the rate of experience and loot earned. Storybook-style cinematics tell the tale throughout the
Campaign Mode, and endings vary depending on which characters were used. Survival Mode pits increasing waves of enemies against the
players until they fall, with the goal being to defend long enough to achieve the highest leaderboard score. Challenge Mode allows
players to play any level with uniquely altered rule sets and goals!
A Helpful Friend:
Discover cute familiars, pets which tag along during your adventure, and provide distinct status and gameplay effects. These too can
be levelled-up and customized, and even traded with other players if you have the heart to part with your dear little friend!
Mod it, Create it, Remake it:
All gameplay code & source content ships with the PC version, so intrepid Dungeon Masters can modify or totally recreate the game to
their hearts content!

Donning his robe and wizard hat, the Apprentice is eager to delve deeper into the world of the arcane. Under the guidance of the Grand
Magus, the Apprentice has learned the art of conjuration. While summoning towers of mystical defense to aid him, he blasts his enemies
with waves of magic from a far.
Trained in reconnaissance, the sleek and slender Huntress deploys deadly traps and explosives, but dont let her physique perplex you.
This elegant she-devil is trained in ranged weaponry and is sure to always hit her mark. Raining down arrows and ammo from above,
the enemy never sees her coming.
The Monk, a once peaceful and passive student, has been called from his solitary meditation and forced to take up arms in the defence
of his land. Only he, through his expert spear fighting skill, can avenge the death of his master. Channeling his aura energies to heal
allies and cripple foes, the Monk is the ultimate team asset.
A brave knight-in-training, the Squire upholds the honor and nobility of his kingdom with every slice of his blade. Building defenses of
brute force the Squire prefers melee weapons as his instruments of justice. Bludgeoning spikes and whirling blades unleash the rage he
bestows upon his foes

Dungeon Defenders - Announcement Trailer
Dungeon Defenders - Debut Gameplay Trailer
Dungeon Defenders for iOS Gameplay Footage
Dungeon Defenders Developer Diary
Dungeon Defenders, Steam Trailer

Steam demo, xbla & psn should also have demo's for the game

Electronic Gaming Monthly (9/10)
Original Xbox Magazine (9/10)
PC Gamer Magazine (77/100)
Playstation the Official Magazine (8/10)
@Gamer (4.5/10)
Destructoid Review: 9.5/10
Marooners' Rock (99/100)
Would You Kindly (4/5)
Evil Source Gaming (9.8/10)
UGO (B-)
Gamergeddon (9/10)
Mana Tank (8/10)
GameFocus (Editor's Choice)

- The game only uses steamworks on the steam version of the game, or so I am told.
- we now have a Steam community Neogaf Gorup for Dungeon Defenders
A big thanks to Hitmonchan107 for getting all the latest reviews, cheers!