Well, looks like it's up to game companies to string together a bunch of pre-recorded or live streamed videos in June.
I'd rather have an E3 where you got live people trying to hype up games in front of an audience. Made even better as sometimes there's fuck ups making it funny. Ya, these shows can be pretty shallow with company reps trying to PR their game system (and their own careers) for gamers, but I still like it.
Only real drawback of E3's is when anyone of them try to make it weird or fluff it up with dumb shit (Sony's musical bits, Kinect demos, dumb scripted sessions).
I just like simple traditional E3s where some people come on stage and showcase first and third party heavy hitters with a splash of indie montage. Not sure why they try to deviate from that formula.
Spot on. It was the best of times and the worst (embarrassing) of times, but at least the industry shared them together, as did us in the hobby. It's like the weird effect where the world being more 'connected' online via social media has actually made a lot of people even more insular, people forming cliques based on identities and having their own echo chambers and bubbles.
You don't even have to mingle with people or groups outside of that little bubble, really, but there's opportunities lost in the process. I don't mind the self-ran big showcase events or even some of the smaller ones, but it's just not the same. Also won't all of this somewhat hurt smaller games building an audience, or even finding publishers? They aren't going to have the ability to do their own shows, and I don't think the vast majority of indies have the commercial appeal to draw in viewers without the bigger AAA games being present.
Like, did anyone really watch the latest ID@Xbox? Did they care? I think the smaller SoPs have a good system since they use those for smaller games & indies, with maybe one or two AAA games thrown in, with a short runtime. Then if people want to find more info on those indies, they can go search for it. I don't watch a lot of Directs but I'm assuming they have a few which are similar to that and then they have their bigger ones focused on 1P games like the one in June.
Microsoft apparently want to do more shows in the future, I'm hoping they take this chance to do a few smaller shows that can both serve as more regular updates for 1P games and showcases for smaller AA and indie games, that don't have to be any longer than half an hour.
No worries theres still gamescom and tgs
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Until those end up getting cancelled too
Very sad. I loved E3 and how it allowed the public to play games that were being shown off.
Microsoft have something set up where people can demo select games at E3 on their consoles for a limited time. Was a very neat thing of them to do, I think they had it set up last year with Summer Games Fest and/or E3.
It'd be great if Sony & Nintendo could do something similar with their games: anything with a playable demo at the big show, 1P or 3P, offer time-limited demos for home owners to play them too.