Wario64 said:My highest combo is 27, but it wasn't intentional. I just let the battles play as itself, occasionally going through the menus to insure the AI don't kill themselves
Jonnyboy117 said:About Unison Attacks...those are definitely part of the high combo strategy. Right at the end of the game, I discovered a special combo U.Attack between Genis and Raine. It happens when Raine uses Ray and Genis uses...I think Explosion, but it's one of his most powerful spells. They both cast their respective single spells, then join up for a retardedly powerful combo attack at the end. I killed the final boss in about three of those (took a while to fill up the meter twice, of course.)
What I did to maximize U.Attack usefulness is set up all the auto characters so that all four of their techs are set to their most powerful attack...the same on on all four directions. Then, when you hit Z and then strike with Lloyd's most powerful opener, you can just mash on the buttons and the other three characters will queue up their most powerful moves too. It takes out the hassle of trying to quickly remember which techs you had mapped to which directions.