There is truth to the argument that our gun rights are being exploited by criminals. Think about it, illegal guns were once legal before they ended up in the wrong hands. The Second Amendment isn’t going anywhere, and it shouldn’t, but perhaps (This is an extreme idea that I don’t endorse, just tossing something out there.) we should consider establishing local militias, independent from any government agency, run solely by citizens who take an oath to defend the Constitution from government tyranny. Those with firearms should undergo proper training, and anyone possessing firearms without such training and membership should be considered illegal, with consequences for unlawful possession. Consequences like if while in illegal possession of a firearm they're shot by a militia member, there's no trial just a burial.
All this, ignoring the fact that our little pew pews won't stand a chance against an M1 Abrams, an F-22 Raptor, or nukes.