Gold Member
Post CNT Edit: I have completely re-worked the thread with new info that came to light during the Closed Network Test and after
TLDR to the point - Elden Ring is upon us. As with FROM previous games, a filter to all shared world elements can be set in a form of a network password. I don't know anyone IRL who plans to play Elden Ring, so how about this:
Let's make a shared world of our own so we can slay enemies together when we're not murdering each other as invaders!
I hereby propose a password: eldengaf
To be used for all network play by fellow NeoGAF'ers as:
- GROUP PASSWORD: The mode made for community network play. Ideal for those who choose to play online in the open shared world. Group Password does not filter a shared player base but PRIORITIZES network activities by members of the community, and makes all such interactions look distinct and easy to recognize among the general player base. Makes you still interact with randoms to cut any downtime involved with multiplayer but you will always know when a sign/summon/invader or ghost is someone you may know from NeoGAF.
- MULTIPLAYER PASSWORD: if you choose only to interact with a small number of community members, so that all network play elements - signs, summons, invaders and ghosts are other members of NeoGAF. This mode is actually perfectly suitable for players who want to play the game solo, as it filters out the general player base for a very sparse, limited population, with fewer summon or invasion opportunities. However if such may occur, you know its a GAFer. All multiplayer is opt-in (unless covenants change that) so you won't get invaded or into a PvE unless you choose to do so.
Ideally, everyone coming to the party should use their NeoGAF username as in-game character name/id.
This post was written based on the amazing video by Illusory Wall, so if it's all still TLDR for you - this video explains it all:
if you prefer a wall of text tho, here goes:
1. Group Password - the new mode designed to support COMMUNITY MULTIPLAYER
Elden Ring allows setting 2 passwords for multiplayer matchmaking - a multiplayer password and a group password. As confusing as it may sound, they both serve different purposes, made clear during the CNT.
While Multiplayer password is the "old way", the Group Password is designed exactly for what this thread is all about a - community-based multiplayer shared world.
A decade-old issue with a "network password" is that while it works if you want to match with friends, get together to fight a specific boss, or whatnot, it fails when used for community-oriented activities.
How so?
- It greatly extends summon invasion waiting time,
- Requires being "lucky" with your manually placed summon sign location vs status of the world of other players of that location - area boss being alive,
- Requires matching to "soul level range", a system confusing enough to require online calculators in many of its iterations.
As a result, players who want to co-op or PvP in the community mode are inclined to opt-out of the shared world and get back to the unlimited global pool, to increase the likelihood of just finding a player to match with.
Group password however solves it by
a. PRIORITIZING members of group password network play activities AMONG the global pool - without disabling it.
b. Making those activities DISTINCT LOOKING and recognizable among other "random" global pool activities, by adding an additional rune surrounding summon signs, messages, blood pools and even changing the color of ghosts.
A regular Summon sign vs Group Password summon sign:
Group Password message sign, also surrounded by an additional circle of runes:
Ghosts from Group Password appearing with a golden tinge:
c. Together with the MP Stone Statue pool and related items this mode GUARANTEES the constant possibility for interaction between community members, and if those aren't available - with random players with zero friction and downtime.
A "stone statue" what is that you might ask?
2. SUMMON POOLS - for friction-less no downtime summoning and invasions
This is a stone statue.
Those are to be found everywhere in the world marking areas where you can expect to find many summon signs, both friendly and hostiles, as well as areas of likely invasion. If you played the CNT - you've seen them in every distinct open-world location or dungeon. When joining the player summon or invasion via the stone statue invasion pool - the game will put multiple summon signs down for you, not in one specific place in the game world but around many statues in worlds of many players at once. You will also be connected to summon pool of White and Blue Cipher rings (more on that below) OR start invading in all available ways at once!
In "open" non-password limited mode the game will find players of matching stats (most likely - this is TBU as summon ranges are not determined yet, nobody tested it AFAIK)
In Group Password mode it will put your summon sign in a place where players from the same Group Password opting in to summon will instantly see it.
In case of invasions - you'll immediately attack someone from the group password that meets invasion possibility criteria.
Again, Group Password does not limit you to the pool of the group password community, it only prioritizes it. When there is nobody from the community trying to summon or in conditions allowing for PvP - you'll invade a random, or get summoned by one as your sign appears in the shared world as well.
Result: NO DOWNTIME. Playing in a community but then no waiting if unable to PvP or invade a community member.
How to join the stone statue pool?
You have 2 items for that in your multiplayer item menu:
Small Golden Effigy - adds you to the pool as PvE summon. Makes your "friendly" (yellow) summon sign to appear randomly around the game world near statues like the one pictured above, for players at compatible level (TBU) or those of the same shared Group Password. Also puts you in the "Blue Cipher Ring" pool allowing you to spawn in worlds of invaded players using "White Cipher Ring"
Small Red Effigy - adds you to the pool as PvP summon. Makes your "duel" (red) summon sign appear randomly around the game world near statues like the one pictured above, for players at compatible level (TBU) or those of the same shared Group Password. At the same time it enables non-sign based invasion as if using Bloody Finger!!!
Next, all you need to do is use an item that allows you to see summon signs in the area (both friendly and hostile)
Furlcalling Finger Remedy - a new item making you SEE summon signs left on the ground by other players, when you're near a stone statue.
2. THE OLD WAY - area-specific summoning and invading + former "covenant modes"
Aside from the explained group password and summon pool functionality, the usual FROM multiplayer summoning and invading systems are also there and all are controlled by multiplayer menu items.
Summon signs:
Tarnished's Furled Finger - formerly known as "white soapstone". Leave PvE summon sign on the ground for others to see and summon you to join as an ally.
Duelist's Furled Finger - formerly known as "red soapstone". Leave PVP summon sign on the ground other people can use to summon you to their world for a duel.
To see both of the above tho, you'll need:
Furlcalling Finger Remedy - a new item making you SEE summon signs left on the ground by other players. It's a limited item! Can be crafted.
Other, summon sign-less system items:
Bloody Finger - formerly known as "cracked red eye orb". Use to invade unsuspecting payers in the area who have summoned a PvE collaborator OR have used the Taunter's Tongue.
Taunter's Tongue - formerly known as the "dried finger"!
Beckons Bloody Fingers to come to invade your world. This allows you to be invaded even without a Furled Finger cooperator present and reduces the amount of time before re-invasion is possible. It also allows for a second invader to join multiplayer.
Finger Severer - formerly known as "black separation cristal" or "silencing blank" - send a collaborator summon back to his world OR leave the world of the summoner yourself.
White Cipher Ring - formerly known as "Way of Blue" covenant in DS3. Summons a collaborator whenever you are invaded by Bloody Finger for rescue.
Blue Cipher Ring - formerly known as "Blue Sentinels" covenant in DS3. Get summoned to help to a White Cipher Ring summoner to fend off a Bloody Finger.
This thread was made to probe the idea, whether that even makes sense... 20+ people starting the game more or less simultaneously per platform is more than enough for a great community gaming experience.
To be updated with any new info on multiplayer that is sure to arrive when the game drops and we unpack how covenants will once again change things up, likely at least as much as in previous games.
Hope to see you there on the 25th of Feb, kick your ass in PvP clip it and post it in this thread! BTW I suck at PvP you you have a bigger chance of doing the same.
Praise the sun.
TLDR to the point - Elden Ring is upon us. As with FROM previous games, a filter to all shared world elements can be set in a form of a network password. I don't know anyone IRL who plans to play Elden Ring, so how about this:
Let's make a shared world of our own so we can slay enemies together when we're not murdering each other as invaders!
I hereby propose a password: eldengaf
To be used for all network play by fellow NeoGAF'ers as:
- GROUP PASSWORD: The mode made for community network play. Ideal for those who choose to play online in the open shared world. Group Password does not filter a shared player base but PRIORITIZES network activities by members of the community, and makes all such interactions look distinct and easy to recognize among the general player base. Makes you still interact with randoms to cut any downtime involved with multiplayer but you will always know when a sign/summon/invader or ghost is someone you may know from NeoGAF.
- MULTIPLAYER PASSWORD: if you choose only to interact with a small number of community members, so that all network play elements - signs, summons, invaders and ghosts are other members of NeoGAF. This mode is actually perfectly suitable for players who want to play the game solo, as it filters out the general player base for a very sparse, limited population, with fewer summon or invasion opportunities. However if such may occur, you know its a GAFer. All multiplayer is opt-in (unless covenants change that) so you won't get invaded or into a PvE unless you choose to do so.
Ideally, everyone coming to the party should use their NeoGAF username as in-game character name/id.
This post was written based on the amazing video by Illusory Wall, so if it's all still TLDR for you - this video explains it all:
if you prefer a wall of text tho, here goes:
1. Group Password - the new mode designed to support COMMUNITY MULTIPLAYER
Elden Ring allows setting 2 passwords for multiplayer matchmaking - a multiplayer password and a group password. As confusing as it may sound, they both serve different purposes, made clear during the CNT.
While Multiplayer password is the "old way", the Group Password is designed exactly for what this thread is all about a - community-based multiplayer shared world.
A decade-old issue with a "network password" is that while it works if you want to match with friends, get together to fight a specific boss, or whatnot, it fails when used for community-oriented activities.
How so?
- It greatly extends summon invasion waiting time,
- Requires being "lucky" with your manually placed summon sign location vs status of the world of other players of that location - area boss being alive,
- Requires matching to "soul level range", a system confusing enough to require online calculators in many of its iterations.
As a result, players who want to co-op or PvP in the community mode are inclined to opt-out of the shared world and get back to the unlimited global pool, to increase the likelihood of just finding a player to match with.
Group password however solves it by
a. PRIORITIZING members of group password network play activities AMONG the global pool - without disabling it.
b. Making those activities DISTINCT LOOKING and recognizable among other "random" global pool activities, by adding an additional rune surrounding summon signs, messages, blood pools and even changing the color of ghosts.
A regular Summon sign vs Group Password summon sign:

Group Password message sign, also surrounded by an additional circle of runes:

Ghosts from Group Password appearing with a golden tinge:

c. Together with the MP Stone Statue pool and related items this mode GUARANTEES the constant possibility for interaction between community members, and if those aren't available - with random players with zero friction and downtime.
A "stone statue" what is that you might ask?
2. SUMMON POOLS - for friction-less no downtime summoning and invasions
This is a stone statue.

Those are to be found everywhere in the world marking areas where you can expect to find many summon signs, both friendly and hostiles, as well as areas of likely invasion. If you played the CNT - you've seen them in every distinct open-world location or dungeon. When joining the player summon or invasion via the stone statue invasion pool - the game will put multiple summon signs down for you, not in one specific place in the game world but around many statues in worlds of many players at once. You will also be connected to summon pool of White and Blue Cipher rings (more on that below) OR start invading in all available ways at once!
In "open" non-password limited mode the game will find players of matching stats (most likely - this is TBU as summon ranges are not determined yet, nobody tested it AFAIK)
In Group Password mode it will put your summon sign in a place where players from the same Group Password opting in to summon will instantly see it.
In case of invasions - you'll immediately attack someone from the group password that meets invasion possibility criteria.
Again, Group Password does not limit you to the pool of the group password community, it only prioritizes it. When there is nobody from the community trying to summon or in conditions allowing for PvP - you'll invade a random, or get summoned by one as your sign appears in the shared world as well.
Result: NO DOWNTIME. Playing in a community but then no waiting if unable to PvP or invade a community member.
How to join the stone statue pool?
You have 2 items for that in your multiplayer item menu:

Next, all you need to do is use an item that allows you to see summon signs in the area (both friendly and hostile)

2. THE OLD WAY - area-specific summoning and invading + former "covenant modes"
Aside from the explained group password and summon pool functionality, the usual FROM multiplayer summoning and invading systems are also there and all are controlled by multiplayer menu items.
Summon signs:

To see both of the above tho, you'll need:

Other, summon sign-less system items:

Beckons Bloody Fingers to come to invade your world. This allows you to be invaded even without a Furled Finger cooperator present and reduces the amount of time before re-invasion is possible. It also allows for a second invader to join multiplayer.

This thread was made to probe the idea, whether that even makes sense... 20+ people starting the game more or less simultaneously per platform is more than enough for a great community gaming experience.
To be updated with any new info on multiplayer that is sure to arrive when the game drops and we unpack how covenants will once again change things up, likely at least as much as in previous games.
Hope to see you there on the 25th of Feb, kick your ass in PvP clip it and post it in this thread! BTW I suck at PvP you you have a bigger chance of doing the same.
Praise the sun.
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