Those having fun with my post did miss a point maybe. I mean, if that leaker is willing to do that, it is a short way to give info similar to what was given to SMD.
And think about it, if they'd leak some sensitive information to the main rivals of Nintendo? Tell something crucial about Nintendo's next console and then Sony and Microsoft could easily 1-up that, thus destroying Ninty's momentum?
Maybe I am oldfashioned, but I was raised to respect the contracts I make. I truly believe that people should act with honour. If you give your word, you need to keep to it. Is it so difficult consept for you?
That is the reason I hope that the persons leaking this stuff won't get a job in the industry again. Nothing personal, but I wouldn't want a person like that work for me.
And yeah, vidiagamez yada yada. Nothing serious.
And of course Nintendo won't be hurt (a lot) about this leak. It is Pokemon after all, that is like the hen laying those golden eggs.
It just irritates me when people act like these leakers are some kind of rebel heroes.
But live is life, na naa naa na na like some ancient philosopher said. Live and let die, flowers and all the hippie stuff.
EDIT. And I do not fear for Ninty's money, they will make lots of it regardless. Just don't like being dishonest, being it to other people or to contract.