Developer - Turtle Rock Studios
Publisher - 2K Games
Platforms - PC, PS4, XB1 (PC Specs)
Release Date - February 10, 2015
Genre - First Person Shooter, Third Person Monsterer
Price - $59.99
Publisher - 2K Games
Platforms - PC, PS4, XB1 (PC Specs)
Release Date - February 10, 2015
Genre - First Person Shooter, Third Person Monsterer
Price - $59.99

From the makers of Left 4 Dead, Evolve is an asymmetrical multiplayer game focused on 4v1 combat across every game mode. A team of four hunters of varying classes must work together to defeat one player controlled monster that grows in power as the match progresses. The Monster's goal is to initially avoid the Hunters, and consume as many of the smaller AI creatures on the map as possible so that it may evolve into its more powerful forms. The Monster becomes a much bigger threat once evolved, meaning that the longer the match continues, the bigger an advantage the Monster will have. Much like Turtle Rock Studio's previous efforts with Left 4 Dead and Left 4 Dead 2, there is a big focus on teamwork where Hunter players will have to use coordination and communication to take down the monster. Evolve also has full bot support in every mode, and can be played offline while doing so.

Evolve includes 5 modes and 16 maps from the start.
Hunt The main mode of Evolve, starting with a stage 1 monster that starts on the ground running away while the hunters come in via a dropship. The hunters are on the hunt, trying to track and kill the monster. If the monster makes it the final evolution stage, a new objective occurs where a power relay on the map can be attacked. The monster can win by leveling up and destroying this, or killing off the entire hunter team. The hunters can win by killing the monster, or via a time limit (which starts a countdown around 18 minutes, but stops during conflict) so the monster cant just run away the whole match.
Nest An objective mode where 6 eggs are scattered across the map for the hunters to destroy. The monster is capable of breaking its own eggs and hatching a minion, which is a computer controlled Goliath, to assist them in a fightbut the egg itself is broken. Hunters win when all 6 eggs are broken, or in the case of the monster hatching them, by killing the minions that spawn. Alternatively, killing the monster itself is a win condition. The monster wins by either killing the hunters, or through a time limit.
Rescue An objective mode where hunters must escort survivors to a drop ship off of Shear. Survivors spawn in waves and initially start incapacitated on the ground to be picked up, and there are three waves. The monster must kill off five survivors before the hunters can rescue five. Alternatively, the hunters can kill the monster off for a win, or the hunters can die off for the monster to win.
Defend The monster starts off fully evolved and has two monster minions with him, causing a constant assault to get towards a fuel line behind two generator powered walls. Each time a generator goes down, the monster gains additional time to continue the attack. To compensate, the mechanics of certain things change--minions keep respawning in waves, and hunters respawn from death in 30 seconds with no strikes to worry about. Hunters will win if the timer expires or they defeat the main monster.
Evacuation A mode that spawns 5 continuous days, taking from all of the above modes with each victory or loss directly impacting the remaining matches with benefits to either the hunter or monster side. Day 1 will always be Hunt, and the winner of the match will get a bonus in their favor for the next map. This continues each day until the end, which is a Defend mission. There is a huge variance in the match winners effect on the next map, with just a small pool of these being things like the monster destroying a weather tower, making it storm which ends up creating large amounts of man eating plants, or the hunters getting an automated drone that will go around the map marking the monster.

12 of the maps work across all modes except Defend, which has 4 maps made just for it. The maps themselves are split into different biomes which have various elements to watch for, such as snow maps breaking out into a blizzard, or acid maps having pools scattered about that do constant damage to anything that falls in. Beyond this are around 20 different types of wildlife which are seen in different biomes, some being more passive while most will be aggressive towards hunters and monster alike. The maps themselves are large in scale, full of various cliffsides and elevations for the monster to get out of sight or use to their advantage in a fight. An overhead look at a map to get a general scale:

Forest Biome Maps
Fusion Plant, Refueling Tower, Weather Control
Snow Biome Maps
Distillery, Aviary, Medlab
Desert Biome Maps
Dam, Armory, Wraith Trap
Acid Biome Maps
Orbital Drill(first overhead view seen above), Barracks, Rendering Plant
Defend Mode
New Calico, Kings Fort, Salveron Industries, Colonial Water and Power(second overhead view seen above)

There are 12 hunters and 4 classes in Evolve, giving three characters per class. The hunters have a lot on their plate to deal with, as not only are there giant monsters running around, but the wildlife itself is a hassle to deal with. Running solo is dangerous territory, as water lurking Tyrants, giant venus fly traps, and even the monster itself can pounce and leave a hunter helpless without the help of a teammate. In fights, everyone must work together to both cover eachother and dish out damage to the monster.
When a hunters health drops to zero, they become incapacitated. For everyone else, a skull icon will appear where they are downed, and it will slowly drain out. If that makes it to the bottom, the hunter will die and be out of the game for a few minutes. If an incapacitated hunter is picked up, they will have a health strike which permanently removes a chunk of their health. Upon a second incapacitation, another strike will occur, leaving a hunter around half-health for the rest of the match. A third incapacitation is an instant death, and even after the respawn, the hunter will come back in with the health strikesmeaning they will still die immediately if they are downed at this point. This makes many matches a war of attrition, as a monster downing a hunter is a huge win on their side, permanently weakening the group going forward.
Aside from that, all of the hunters come equipped with a jetpack. Fuel will always regenerate, and even when its emptied out hunters can ascend high areas, though its much slower. One of the most important movement options is the jet boost dodge, which consumes a large chunk of fuel. Its good to try to have a decent reserve to help dodge monster attacks in a fight.
Another aspect to the hunter is picking a perk at the start of a match. These can be anything ranging from movement speed increase, health recharge, more jetpack fuel, etc. Different classes may want to focus on different perks to further excel in their roles.

The Medic plays a vital role within the match to keep everyone standing and healthy, so naturally the monster generally tries to kill them first. A good medic can make or break the entire team, as they not only will be watching health pools of the rest of the team, but need to try to stay somewhat out of the monsters reach and get good at dodging their attacks. A dead medic helps no one.
The one skill each character in the class will have is Healing Burst, an area of effect heal thats on a ~20 second cooldown. This will emit a green cloud that is easy to see, so be careful.

Support is one of the most versatile classes out there, as they all have a different focus on what they can bring to the field. Many situations can be turned around with proper usage of their abilities, making them a fundamental jockstrap of any team.
The shared skill for the Support is Cloaking Field, which hides everyone in range of the support while its in use. Cloak is temporarily disrupted by weapon fire, and while in air the jetpack ignition can still be seen.

Trappers have the duty to track down and lock down the monster. The various loadouts in this class all have tricks up their sleeve, and it all comes together with the Mobile Arena. Being one of the main game mechanics in Evolve, this deploys a giant blue dome around the area that will keep everything, even the hunters themselves, locked within. The Arena takes a few seconds to activate and draw itself into the world, giving the monster some additional time to escape. If a trapper becomes incapacitated while the dome is up, it will go down and allow the monster to escape.
If outside of the dome, hunters and even the monster can actually go inside of it, but won't be able to get back out.

Assault are the heavy hitters, pumping out damage per second the monster cant ignore. When things get sketchy, their Personal Shield comes into play, granting them damage immunity for 10 seconds. Theyre the one class that is mainly focused on themselves, making them the easiest to jump into and learn the ropes withthough coordination will always improve them.

The monstergiving players the power to control what is essentially a boss character in a multiplayer environment. There are three monsters in evolve, and each monster has a drastically different approach to tackling a match, but theres a few general elements to keep in mind. Every monster can sneak, melee attack, smell, and have some sort of movement ability. Smell is a large pint that highlights everything in a certain radius, showing wildlife and even the hunters. Monsters naturally end up leaving a footprint trail that can be followed unless they sneak around, but sneaking is a much slower form of movement. Most importantly is the very namesake of the game, evolving. All the modes, aside from Defend, start the monster player at stage 1. The monster must kill and eat wildlife to fill up a meter, where it can then initiate a transformation to stage 2. The actual act of evolving keeps the monster idle and fairly loud for around 10 seconds, so its not always a good idea to just evolve the moment its possible. The wildlife all give different amounts of meat towards the meter, generally making the weak passive ones worth 1 or 2, while the bigger more hostile ones can give 4. Dead hunters can also be eaten for meat.
Eating has an additional benefit in the form of armor. Armor is a blue bar above the monsters HP that serves to protect them. Health for the monster cannot be replenished, meaning taking huge amounts of actual health damage early in the game will still follow you even through evolution stages. Also note that evolving strips away all of the armor, meaning that hunters capturing a monster fresh off an evolve can be a huge turning point in the match.

Unlike the hunters, the monster doesnt immediately start with an arsenal; it instead gives you a basic skill tree and 3 points to distribute. This is where different playstyles come in, as you can get one point in three abilities, or just pump them all into one move. You gain 3 points to distribute each time you evolve, and there are 4 moves with three levels each, meaning you get 9 at maximum to spread around.

There are some other things for the monster to look out for. Bird flocks are around all of the maps, and if the monster ends up coming too close without sneaking, the flock will fly away and alert the hunters. Certain random effects can happen while eating corpses, such as Carrion Birds swooping down, which also give the hunters a general ping to your location. Of course, a tricky monster can try and use this to their advantage
Monsters also pick a perk before a match starts, which can affect stuff like damage reduction, smell range, feeding speed, etc.

Thread here.

Monster Expansion Pack Contains Savage Goliath Skin and Behemoth, a giant rock monster. The monster has no ETA for a release date, but will cost $15 if not preordered.

Hunting Season Pass Contains Magma skin for Goliath, Wraith, and Kraken. 4 additional hunters will join the fray, but none have been shown or otherwise mentioned. $25.
??? The Monster Race edition has a 5th monster and 2 hunters beyond the hunting pass. No other details given. 2k why.
All additional maps and modes will be free Yay.

this is my first ot pls forgive me