Gold Member
- Confirmed: Protagonist is fully voiced, not silent
- A lot of work being put into multiple different endings depending on your choices
- Variety of companions are central to the experience
- Definitely not linear", freedom to explore the way you want to
- Matthew McConaughey's character in-game serves as a sort of mentor role for the player, insight into decisions (alright alright alright)
- Humans are the underdogs in Centauri Cluster, "very bottom of the food chain"
- Inspirations: Interstellar, Dune, past IPs the team has worked on (Baldur's Gate, Star Wars, Dragon Age)
- Taking the science behind the game very seriously (time dilation, how it works, etc), working with sci-fi authors
- Confirmed to take place in the Omega Centauri cluster, 'ancient and very unusual' kind of galaxy picked for a reason
- RPGs with choice/consequence impa