Buggy Loop
According to 1up
"Based on a detailed review of where our industry stands and the level of interest in the gaming community in taking some of our premier properties online, we are now pursuing several options to fund our entry into massively-multiplayer online gaming with titles including Fallout," Caen said. "Initial feedback from our investment bank and ongoing dialogue with others in the gaming sector appear to confirm that the combination of our valuable and popular intellectual properties with the rapidly growing online gaming community is the best way to maximize Interplay shareholder value."
Today's announcement makes no specific mention of earlier announcements regarding the revival of Interplay's Kingpin franchise, which came up in earlier quarterly financial reports. However, it does note that Interplay will "likely continue to develop select games for personal computers and next generation gaming consoles as well as develop purely online games."
Im excited and worried at the same time, anything related to fallout creates immense interest for me, but.. an mmorpg? Then again, a post apocalypse setting with the style of fallout is pretty much whats missing in the mmorpg world, too many metrosexual elves with same old medieval setting and not enough modern scenarios. Its still interplay though, not quite what they used to be -_-