Anyone here buy any of the Famicom Mini 2 games? I'm looking for Club Nintendo point donations for the set, as my set may not arrive until after the deadline for submitting the points. Anyone have any and willing to donate me their points? If so, please PM!!
I just picked up Wrecking Crew yesterday, but thanks! Basically I have seven games coming in the mail this week, but the deadline for the box is Friday, so I'm trying to play it safe by getting the points in early. I think I'll be OK though, but you never know. Hopefully the postal service doesn't screw up...
I have all 20 games so far, and a couple of collector's boxes for each set. I don't want the boxes though, so I'm planning to sell them after I have all three and they're no longer available.
john tv, I have CN points for Pokemon Fire Red, Donkey Konga, Pikmin 2, Mario vs. Donkey Kong and Mario Golf GBA Tour if you want them. I can get you the GBA points in August but I have GC points immediately.