
TROPHY LIST | 21 bronze trophies
RELEASE DATE: July 30th Worldwide | except for Japan
PRICE: $14.99 | £11.99 | 14.99 | ¥?

Fat Princess pits two hordes of players against each other in a comic medieval battle royale. Your goal is to rescue your beloved princess from the enemy
dungeon. Theres a catch though: your adversary has been stuffing her with cake to fatten her up and its going to take most of your army working together
to carry her back across the battlefield.
You can switch between five different character classes literally at the drop of a hat. The name of the game is cooperation, whether its flinging another player
over the enemys walls with a teeterboard, healing him while he charges into battle, or adding your muscle to carry the princess faster.

BASIC SKILL: The Warrior uses a sword and shield. He can block arrow attacks, but will move slower and can not attack.
ADVANCED SKILL: Wields a large blade that can be used in a charged attack.
ADVANCED SKILL: Wields a large blade that can be used in a charged attack.

BASIC SKILL: The Worker is able to use his axe to gather resources, and then return to either hat machine or outpost. He can also repair, build or upgrade
objects on the battlefield.
ADVANCED SKILL: Uses bombs in order to deal more damage to enemy players or structures.
objects on the battlefield.
ADVANCED SKILL: Uses bombs in order to deal more damage to enemy players or structures.

BASIC SKILL: The Mage can deal fire balls.
ADVANCED SKILL: Becomes an ice wizard, and has the ability to freeze enemies for a small period of time.
ADVANCED SKILL: Becomes an ice wizard, and has the ability to freeze enemies for a small period of time.

BASIC SKILL: The Priest can heal fellow teammates.
ADVANCED SKILL: Becomes a Dark Priest, and can drain health from enemy players to 1 HP.
ADVANCED SKILL: Becomes a Dark Priest, and can drain health from enemy players to 1 HP.

BASIC SKILL: The Ranger uses a bow and arrow.
ADVANCED SKILL: Uses a gunpowder rifle, and can charge up to shoot more pellets at once.
ADVANCED SKILL: Uses a gunpowder rifle, and can charge up to shoot more pellets at once.


chubigans said:So here's the deal with this game. Playing the first night left a sour taste in my seemed a bit shallow, way too much mayhem, no strategy, etc. But last night was a blast. It really comes down to two things:
Playing without strategy/teamwork- not fun at all.
There is not a single class that works on it's own to storm the castle by yourself/catapult into the base and steal the princess. It's total mayhem on the battlefield, and lots of deaths are certain. This wasn't fun for me at all, and the gameplay seemed very shallow.
Playing with some people who use teamwork- like an entirely different game
So the next day I decided to give it a try, with more random people. This time both teams were using strategy, and holy crap what a different experience it was.
First off, once the game starts the opposing team would get control of the Ore fields and not let go. This was a huge boost to their level-ups and was a smart strategy. So we mined a single ore outside their zone and leveled up the Worker for the bombs. Then we all grabbed a bomb and blasted the ore zone to take control...but at that point they had already mined the field, and had upgraded several of their classes. Uhoh.
At this point we all grabbed as much cake as possible to prepare for an attack and fed that princess until she was huge. It wasn't long until there was a huge surge into the castle...they broke down the doors easily and got the princess, but she was too large for them to go very far. We managed to keep them at bay as we upgraded our classes and got the catapult ready. At that point two of us were workers and built ladders into the castle as we kept sending wave after wave of people into their castle to pummel their defenses. They didn't fatten the princess up like we did, resulting in an easy capture and winning the game.
The good news is that there were quite a few headsets going on, and none of those people were on my friends list...we were just all using teamwork. When Fat Princess works, it's one of my favorite online games ever. But if you don't experience's not that fun a game, and can seem quite shallow.
lawblob said:After playing quite a few matches, am I crazy for thinking this game is a complete mess?
At no point in any of the games I played did I feel like anything I ever did was having any real or meaningful impact on the tide of the game. You run around aimlessly killing opponents, but the individual battles all turn into little clusterfucks of chaos. Because you always re-spawn inside your own castle, even if you do breach the opponents castle and grab the Princess, it quickly turns into a fucking mess as 10 or more players are hacking wildly in the same room until everyone just dies, and the attackers go back to their own base to re-spawn. I really want to like this game, but honestly im' bored to tears with it after just a few hours. Meh...
decon said:Played the game for about an hour last night. Got it free from a buddy of mine. Didn't have many expections before playing. So I start up the game and the first thing you see is the awesome menu. This game just has humor spelled all over it. The graphical style is up there with AAA titles. Each class is fun to play, even the worker class is fun to play. Online system works fine for me, and there seems to be a proper invite/friend system in place. I love the fastpaced "arcady" gameplay. It's so easy to get into yet there seems to be much depth when it comes to strats, class choice etc. I only played a 8-player match. First I thought it was the max and I actually didn't mind. It was great fun wiht only 8-players, can't wait to play with more people tonight! It's TF2 of downloadable games!
KilgoreTrout said:I wish there was a server list to make it easier on me, and Drame. While there are issues with it, I've already put 12 hours into online alone, and it's only been 3 days since launch.
Playing with people who communicate, and know what they're doing is a sheer joy.
Playing otherwise can often be dull, because co-operative play is the most important gameplay mechanic in FP. It's essentially like playing Left 4 Dead with computers.
About 8 ice mages can ruin any fun to be had in a game.
A lot of people said:Laaaaaaaggggggggggg
Drame said:Fat Princess is awesome, nuff said.
eznark said:This game is so God damned fun.
If you guys want anything added to the OP, just let me know.