Merry Christmas!
Is anyone here religious who attends Christmas mass? Curious.
I was raised Catholic, but not hardcore Catholic. I didn't have a strict religious upbringing at all. We went to church sometimes, but not super often. I hated going to church when we went on a typical Sunday or whatever... especially if it interrupted NFL Sunday, and I always questioned the logic and concept of religion. But I have to admit, when I was young I did go to mass around Christmas a handful of times, and there was a choir and everything and I always found it so peaceful and pleasant. And everyone was always so friendly. There are a lot of things I very much disagree with about religion, but I've found myself over the last several years being nostalgic about that aspect of it at least. I'm thinking maybe next Christmas for the hell of it, I'll go attend mass again and see if I feel any sort of way about it.
I find choral music so beautiful too. It doesn't have to be performed during mass or at a church. I love going to the symphony where they perform like Carmina Burana or anything else that has a choir no other type of music can bring calm over me like that genre can.