Some MMORPGs do require some skill, of some kind, from some players, on some occasions.
In EQ, organizing and leading raids or a guild, rules, politics, loot issues, candidates selection, motivating players to sink more time in the game, website and boards design and management, are some of the biggest "challenges".
Incidentally, many of those have more to do with social and organizative skills than gaming.
Skill was required to create and optimize tactics for certain encounters.
Infrequent, and not everyone is involved in it, but on occasion it was very interesting.
Provided you played the right classes, you could figure how the system worked and take full advantage of it, eventually in an unintended way, to accomplish some "amazing" feats surprising everyone.
A few classes were sometimes dependant on some timing / targetting / fast thinking / pattern identification / deep game mechanics and encounter knowledge, for the best results. Same for certain group configurations.
Havent played much of other games, but some seem to be complex enough to offer saltuary interesting challenges.
The old UO seemed to require a degree of skill, if nothing else in managing the initially overwhelming freedom and number of options.
PvP may also require skill.
FFXI looks flat, after reading some comments and skill lists.
Generally, MMORPG are designed for skill to not matter much, for at least 2 reasons:
- Gimps retain the ability to imagine themselves as some kind of Heroes, instead than leaving the game after a brutal reality check.
- A more even and controllable player progression in the game, easying the production and marketing of new content to retain players. Skilled ones dont consume the content too fast, leaving before the expansion hits the market.
In great part, the gameplay and enjoyment work like this:
1) Fight boredom and grind your way to the next Big Upgrade that will make you Cool And Succesful And Envied And Rich Of Friends And Girls (or guys pretending to be girls).
2) Enjoy the upgrade for about 15.7 seconds of nerdy orgasm.
Then excitement wears out, you notice the sky didnt open and Eternal Divine Bliss didnt come down unto you. Neither girls, for that matter.
Compulsively looking at your newly aquired item and stats, or frying with your new uber skill every Small_Cute_Bunny that doesnt show proper respect for your greatness, may (with proper training) prolonge the excitement up to 19 or 20 seconds.
Exceptional cases are reported of nerds bragging over their loot for lifetimes, but you may not want to reach that level.
3) So whats the reason the excitement wore off? Because it wasnt a worthwhile archievement to begin with? Noooo, of course the problem is that you also need Shiny_Upgrade_0376! With it, the bliss will SURELY be ETERNAL.
A new dream to strive for, already dawns on the horizon! A new hope for humanity! Get to work, my little ant, back to point #1.
Is the culture of the Timesink: pay and suffer the boring game now, to be rewarded (much) later. Maybe. If you convince yourself well enough.
Hell, as I quit EQ I had over 1 year played. As in time actually spent online. And it wasnt uncommon, among the people who started playing at release and aimed to reach the high end game.
Im a fool for not putting 60 hours to get the Fun out of Kirby Air Ride, that would have been like istant gratification in comparison!
What about the story? Lets give a look to the story of MMORPGs.
You are a psycho, going out killing everything that breaths - and many things that dont - for praticing your skills.
You have a wide variety of interests: your hobby is killing; your purpose in life is becoming better at killing.
When you grown up, you want to kill that legendary creature that no one even knows if it really exists - and if it does, poor soul, then has just been minding to his own business.
Racial tolerance isnt your strenght, as you will happily go on genocide campaigns directly in the homes of different creatures. And steal their stuff.
On a personality test for your job, at the question "what do you think when you see someone unique looking, apparently highly ranked among his peers", you replyed: "Id gang kill him to see whay he is carring. Repeatedly".
Your Hero is actually the idiot of the village, living in its own fantasy world.
Every fat NPC shopkeeper can kick you behind, but they need you to save them for Teh Evil Menace? They are enjoying life and laughting as you go on your crazy unnecessary quest.
OH MY HERO, SAVE US FROM THE INCOMbING MENACE OF THE EVIL DRAg00n NO ONE EVER SAW AROUND HERE - and while at it quest me a dozen bananas and pineapples for my salad - AND I WILL REWARD YOU WITH A CAP OF +3 Sospension Of Disbelief AND MY ETERNAL GRATITUDEEE (until lunch time and bananas respawn).