Isn't when you click on the right stick?
I opened all of mine immediately (I'm too impatient to wait haha). Packed Iniesta and Marchiso, made about 85k. Time to make some real money!Should i hold onto my SBC packs till a specific time or does it not matter when u open them.
I opened all of mine immediately (I'm too impatient to wait haha). Packed Iniesta and Marchiso, made about 85k. Time to make some real money!
After 2 days of home exams I gifted myself this game, im playing in the sofa while my gf got the tv. Switch ftw.
Started up FUT, the feeling when you realise Tom Huddlestone is your best player -.-
Can't remember the last time I play Fifa. Maybe Fifa 06 but thinking about picking this one up and that's my hardest decision. PS4 or Switch for the play anywhere.
You'd have only lost more heavily than 3-0 anyway, LashKicks me out the game and gives me a 3-0 loss in squad battles. Canny.
How is switch handheld mode?
I am a complete neophyte when it comes to soccer (football sorry Im American) I plan on picking this up on the Switch any tips?
Nope, it's not there. For comparison, this is FIFA 18:
and FIFA 18 Switch.
this is garbage.
Har Har.Put the ball in the opposition net more times than they put it in yours.
Did a lot of people decide against the Switch version? I thought there would be many more impressions, and since the critic sites have zero reviews, I'm very tentative to pick it up. I have it pre ordered but if it's lacking I may just return it towards the PS4 version.
First player conversation I have in my manager career mode.
This youth player saids they would play better if he replaced our captain.
Kids got an ego lol
Did a lot of people decide against the Switch version? I thought there would be many more impressions, and since the critic sites have zero reviews, I'm very tentative to pick it up. I have it pre ordered but if it's lacking I may just return it towards the PS4 version.
Can anyone confirm if Pro Clubs input lag is still present?
If you rely heavily on online features for your enjoyment of the game, I'd hold off on the Switch version for now. Currently there is no in game lobby for playing with friends for friendly games, which is caused by Nintendo not having system level lobbies, and EA not going the extra mile to add one themselves. That said, online leagues, FUT, origin profile integration, and other stuff is there.
Played a bit of the Switch version earlier. After playing the PC version for 3 days. And the game is definitely different in terms of gameplay. But it's also different than FIFA 17. I actually quite enjoy it. It's like having two versions of FIFA launched at the same time. You can see the difference in animation, you can't break it immediately like you can do on PC, but it's also not as bad as in 17. The shooting is different and the crossing too. I kind of prefer the shooting on Switch and crossing on PC.
Because of the animations the game is more fluid on PC.
I will switch back and forth between the two versions in the next days. Let's see.
Does the companion app work with switch version?
Played a bit of the Switch version earlier. After playing the PC version for 3 days. And the game is definitely different in terms of gameplay. But it's also different than FIFA 17. I actually quite enjoy it. It's like having two versions of FIFA launched at the same time. You can see the difference in animation, you can't break it immediately like you can do on PC, but it's also not as bad as in 17. The shooting is different and the crossing too. I kind of prefer the shooting on Switch and crossing on PC.
Because of the animations the game is more fluid on PC.
I will switch back and forth between the two versions in the next days. Let's see.
I'm in gold 1 mate. 2k off elite 3You'd have only lost more heavily than 3-0 anyway, Lash
Played a bunch of games against professional AI to get into things again and there's a whole lot of goals being scored, both me and the AI.
Hope EA can tone that down a bit, or maybe I just need to learn how to defend. PS4 version btw.
Nintendo Life review of Switch version:
I usually don't like reviews of fan sites, but this is one is pretty fair and on point, I think.
Does this contain some inconsistencies though? Pretty sure someone on here rubbished the comment that the Switch version doesn't have the Premier League branding?