AndreasNystrom said:
hm.. actually i think the atari lynx had better 3d, and it was uh.. well atleast 12years ahead.
Fight for Freeform said:
Yeah the Lynx...and in a lot of respects, the GBA wasn't that much better than the SEGA Nomad.
68000 @ 8 MHz
main CPU
1 MByte (8 Mbit) ROM Area
64 Kbytes RAM Area
VDP (Video Display Processor)
dedicated video display processor
- controls playfield & sprites
- capable of DMA
- Horizontal & Vertical interrupts
64 Kbytes of dedicated VRAM (Video Ram)
64 x 9-bits of CRAM (Color RAM)
Z80 @ 4 MHz
controls PSG (Programmable Sound Generator) & FM Chips
8 KBytes of dedicated Sound Ram
NOTE: Playfield and Sprites are character-based
Display Area (visual)
- 40 chars wide x 28 chars high
each char is 8 x 8 pixels
pixel resolution = 320 x 224
- 3 Planes
2 scrolling playfields
1 sprite plane
definable priorities between planes
- Playfields:
6 different sizes
1 playfield can have a "fixed" window
playfield map
- each char position takes 2 Bytes, that includes:
char name (10 bits); points to char definition
horizontal flip
vertical flip
color palette (2 bits); index into CRAM
- 1 pixel scrolling resolution
- horizontal:
whole playfield as unit
each character line
each scan line
- vertical:
whole playfield as unit
2 char wide columns
- Sprites:
1 x 1 char up to 4 x 4 chars
up to 80 sprites can be defined
up to 20 sprites displayed on a scan line
sprite priorities
- Character Definitions
4 bits/pixel; points to color register
4 bytes/scanline of char
32 bytes for complete char definition
playfield & sprite chars are the same!
- Uses CRAM (part of the VDP)
64 9-bit wide color registers
- 64 colors out of 512 possible colors
3 bits of Red
3 bits of Green
3 bits of Blue
4 palettes of 16 colors
- 0th color (of each palette) is always transparent
- Z80 controls:
PSG (TI 76489 chip)
FM chip (Yamaha YM 2612)
- 6-channel stereo
Z80 can access ROM data
8 KBytes RAM
GameBoy Advance
CPU: 32bit ARM7 Custom @16.7Mhz, with reduced Z80 core for Game Boy and Game Boy Color emulation. RAM: 32Kbit work
RAM: 96Kbytes VRAM, 16Kbytes sound RAM
GPU: Nintendo Custom. Supported functions:
- Hardware sprite scaling, rotation, distortion.
- XY scroll, rotation scroll.
- Multi layers.
- 4096 maximum hardware sprites, with maximum of 256 sprites on a single line.
- No dedicated 3D acceleration.
SPU: Nintendo Custom:
- 2 hardware sound channels.
- Maximum sampling rate @44.1KHz.
Resolution: 244x160, half the resolution of the Super Nintendo Entertainment System, although in a reversed aspect ratio.
Color depth: Multi color depth, maximum of 65,536 colors from a palette of 16 million. Supports alpha channel.