About time some of these other characters give bonus. From what little they showed... not sure Mog King event this time will be like OMG. I guess we'll see later in week... Hopefully quick and done.
[JP] Started doing Raid yesterday. Weekends are just usually so busy with work and all. But, got it started and working on list. Not even caring about ranking or anything. Just trying to get what I can in the list of goodies. Plus whatever raid summon will give me. The Cactaur right now are awesome. Capped 5* Tidus yesterday. Working on trying to cap 5* Onion Knight now.
Decided with Moogles on there that I'm going to get Camille's for Tidus. After that maybe Tidus sword? Or OKs? Not sure. Got a long way to go on Cammy's though. Hoping to craft some of these Raid weapons to help my scrubs in mean time. I'm only on the second island in-game right now and first place on it. LOL. Haven't gotten far. I'm in shop scrub gear still.
However, loving the 10 tickets they gave us this morning.. and HOLY OMG... I didn't realize they had like Mega crystals for Espers. The ones we got this morning went from 1* Siren Lv 9 to 2* Siren Lv 39. Nothing small to finish off level. But will help my healer in mean time.
Free pull was Rakshasa. I felt like home on GL @ that point.But decided to do half pull for Bravely Default folks, since their Moogles show up in Raid pulls. Gold off the bat. Thinking would be sweet to get an on banner unit... Wind Veritas. Whelp.
You should consider leveling Camille as well if you get enough cacs. She chains with Tidus so if you don't have anyone on your FL with him you have a chaining duo.
I actually really want to get OK. I have so many on my friends list and he works well with my team as he can use a fire chaining attack without needing a fire weapon, making every OK useful to me. I have Camille leveled up as I have quite a few Tidus' and a few Aileen. Just need an Agrias for Orlandu chaining.