Gentleman Jack
Just got billed, thought it would be interesting to reflect on my first month back:
- Bastok, Zilart, CoP and almost all of ToaU missions clear
- RDM and THF to 99, wearing sparks rags, DNC close and 4 subjobs to choose from
- WotG to Mission 4
- one dynamis city run down
- Died maybe ten times total?
- A small army of alter ego trusts
- bags to 70 (never any peiste leather
- 750k gil on hand
In 30 days I've gotten further in the story than I did in nearly four years of playing, so that's a phenomenal feeling since I do like the storytelling in this game.
Some of the new jobs are really interesting to play. Dancer is great. I'm interested in BLU, SCH and GEO next. Double exp, RoE rewards and the exp ring is quite an addicting combo!
I'm feeling some of the pain of being on a somewhat low pop realm.
- I was never comfortable shouting for help, so it feels better to farm things on my own, but crafting was never anything but agony in FFXI and the gutted materials market makes it worse. Not having basics for Gobbiebag/Mog Safe expansions and AF3 quests readily available at the AH has blocked me hard a few times.
- The world feels somewhat empty at times. I remember seeing parties everywhere back in the day. You'd be on a chocobo through yuhtunga and watch 3-4 parties frantically trying not to die on linked pulls, or you'd see people fishing everywhere (sometimes they weren't bots!). I miss that populated sense of the world, even more so now that the behemoth event is over and people have drained back to their usual hangout spots (Adoulin zones, presumably). Soon enough I'll be at that point in the storyline (Been doing things in fairly canonical order) and hopefully it'll be less lonely.
I'm still undecided how far down the endgame rabbit hole I want to go. I intend to do Dynamis to its conclusion (I do love the story attached to it), and I've been looking into the other stuff, but I get bad flashbacks to the poorly constructed endgame activities back before I quit and I don't know if I can really fit in with that part of the FFXI community again. It got intensely toxic my first go around. Maybe it's better now. It's those memories though that drive me to see how far I can get solo. I'm grateful for IHOP and the help I've gotten for things like Rank 6, the final limit break and Dynamis. I just get uncomfortable when I feel like I'd be getting carried anywhere genuinely challenging since this game is so damn good at making you feel incomplete with rare/expensive spells, swapped gear and strange itemization gaps at every turn. It'll be interesting to see where my motivation comes from once I've capped the jobs I find interesting at 99. The last time I did this I got locked to BRD by my LS events and felt prisoner to the gear they 'gave' me, a lot of which I had to return when I quit. I'd rather not have that feeling again :/
- Bastok, Zilart, CoP and almost all of ToaU missions clear
- RDM and THF to 99, wearing sparks rags, DNC close and 4 subjobs to choose from
- WotG to Mission 4
- one dynamis city run down
- Died maybe ten times total?
- A small army of alter ego trusts
- bags to 70 (never any peiste leather
- 750k gil on hand
In 30 days I've gotten further in the story than I did in nearly four years of playing, so that's a phenomenal feeling since I do like the storytelling in this game.
Some of the new jobs are really interesting to play. Dancer is great. I'm interested in BLU, SCH and GEO next. Double exp, RoE rewards and the exp ring is quite an addicting combo!
I'm feeling some of the pain of being on a somewhat low pop realm.
- I was never comfortable shouting for help, so it feels better to farm things on my own, but crafting was never anything but agony in FFXI and the gutted materials market makes it worse. Not having basics for Gobbiebag/Mog Safe expansions and AF3 quests readily available at the AH has blocked me hard a few times.
- The world feels somewhat empty at times. I remember seeing parties everywhere back in the day. You'd be on a chocobo through yuhtunga and watch 3-4 parties frantically trying not to die on linked pulls, or you'd see people fishing everywhere (sometimes they weren't bots!). I miss that populated sense of the world, even more so now that the behemoth event is over and people have drained back to their usual hangout spots (Adoulin zones, presumably). Soon enough I'll be at that point in the storyline (Been doing things in fairly canonical order) and hopefully it'll be less lonely.
I'm still undecided how far down the endgame rabbit hole I want to go. I intend to do Dynamis to its conclusion (I do love the story attached to it), and I've been looking into the other stuff, but I get bad flashbacks to the poorly constructed endgame activities back before I quit and I don't know if I can really fit in with that part of the FFXI community again. It got intensely toxic my first go around. Maybe it's better now. It's those memories though that drive me to see how far I can get solo. I'm grateful for IHOP and the help I've gotten for things like Rank 6, the final limit break and Dynamis. I just get uncomfortable when I feel like I'd be getting carried anywhere genuinely challenging since this game is so damn good at making you feel incomplete with rare/expensive spells, swapped gear and strange itemization gaps at every turn. It'll be interesting to see where my motivation comes from once I've capped the jobs I find interesting at 99. The last time I did this I got locked to BRD by my LS events and felt prisoner to the gear they 'gave' me, a lot of which I had to return when I quit. I'd rather not have that feeling again :/