It seems the first reviews are starting to come in.
GameSpot - - Score: 4.0 out of 10.
Cheat Code Central - - 4.2/5
This review is kinda questionable I think. They seem to be rating the game more on it's potential even though they point out the negatives to it. I personally wouldn't take this score seriously. The graphics and sound ratings seem okay. Control and Play Value however are something else. and
As of 10/06/2010 at 11:10pm EST at a combined total of 235 reviews (take Amazon reviews for what they're worth in the end) spread across the Collector's Edition and the Standard addition the game is averaging 1.5 stars out of 5 on
On it's averaging 2.5 stars out of 5 with a total of 95 ratings spread across both PC versions.
GameTrailers - HD -
SD -
Overall score: 4.2 out of 10.
Story: 5.7
Design: 3.2
Gameplay: 3.9
Presentation: 4.2
GameSpy - - Score: 2 out of 5
Pro: Not quite Star Trek Online bad.
Con: Worst user interface in a PC game since 1998; every aspect of game unnecessarily convoluted; feels like a free-to-play MMO in the very worst way.
(I don't get the diss at STO to be honest. Sure STO had it's problems but it wasn't anywhere near FFXIV bad from what I recall. They gave it the same score but clearly for different reasons which makes that diss weird to me. Oh well.)
IGN - - Score: 5.5 out of 10
Score Break down.
GameSpot - - Score: 4.0 out of 10.
The Good:
Impressive visual engine. Flexible class system lets you be what you want, when you want.
The Bad:
Absolutely miserable interface. Does a poor job of communicating important information. Limited questing means you're always looking for something fun to do Everything about the economy stinks. Every aspect of the game is filled with dumb obstacles.
Final Fantasy XIV is a notable entry to the genre but only for what it lacks. It lacks character; bare-bones quests and audiovisual repetition fail to instill a sense of fantasy wonder. It lacks cohesion; communication failures, economic oddities, and stringent limitations leave you constantly directionless. And it lacks joy; the abysmal interface and boring monsters make it a struggle to stay invested. The open-ended classes, the stunning graphics engine, the focus on story--these elements deserve rightful praise. It's a shame they weren't put to use in a game worthy of the Final Fantasy brand. Certainly, Final Fantasy XIV will improve as features are added, yet the failures go beyond the superficial. Updates may address a multitude of flaws, but "fun" is not a feature that can be added with a simple patch.
Cheat Code Central - - 4.2/5
This review is kinda questionable I think. They seem to be rating the game more on it's potential even though they point out the negatives to it. I personally wouldn't take this score seriously. The graphics and sound ratings seem okay. Control and Play Value however are something else. and
As of 10/06/2010 at 11:10pm EST at a combined total of 235 reviews (take Amazon reviews for what they're worth in the end) spread across the Collector's Edition and the Standard addition the game is averaging 1.5 stars out of 5 on
On it's averaging 2.5 stars out of 5 with a total of 95 ratings spread across both PC versions.
GameTrailers - HD -
SD -
Overall score: 4.2 out of 10.
Story: 5.7
Design: 3.2
Gameplay: 3.9
Presentation: 4.2
GameTrailers said:Final Fantasy 14 falls flat at almost every turn.
GameTrailers said:The interface is atrocious.
GameTrailers said:FF14 is in no way, shape or form ready for commercial release.
GameSpy - - Score: 2 out of 5
Pro: Not quite Star Trek Online bad.
Con: Worst user interface in a PC game since 1998; every aspect of game unnecessarily convoluted; feels like a free-to-play MMO in the very worst way.
This is the part of the review where critics typically express hope for the future of the MMO that they've otherwise viciously panned for the past 600 words. And I see glimmers of goodness here: The horizontal leveling system that allows on-the-fly class switching via weapon swaps is a fantastic idea, and the concept of a player-driven economy (based on complex interactions between the various crafting professions) sounds great on paper. I'm sure that -- given a year of nonstop patching -- FFXIV will probably be out of beta and acceptably functional. But, barring a complete overhaul of the user interface, the combat, the player interaction mechanics, the progress system, and of the layout of the world itself, FFXIV is unlikely to ever be fun.
(I don't get the diss at STO to be honest. Sure STO had it's problems but it wasn't anywhere near FFXIV bad from what I recall. They gave it the same score but clearly for different reasons which makes that diss weird to me. Oh well.)
IGN - - Score: 5.5 out of 10
Closing Comments
With its newest MMO in its flagship franchise, Square Enix delivers a gigantic, beautiful fantasy world to explore. The flexible class system means you'll be able to mix and match abilities from many different roles so you can change your specialization at will. Much of the promise of the combat system and depth of the crafting mechanics are drowned, unfortunately, under a sea of interface and performance issues that hinder the experience at nearly every step. While there's a lot to consider when building your ideal class, there's far too little interesting structured content to chew on, resulting in an experience that quickly grows tedious and tiresome. All MMOs are designed to keep players logging in for long into the future, but at launch Final Fantasy XIV's questing mechanics feel more like a subway commute than a fun gameplay experience. Patches over the course of the next few months may address many of the technical issues, but for now this is not a world worth visiting.
Score Break down.
3.0 Presentation
Terrible interface, sluggish menu response times, poor overworld map, and many other issues. Interesting story, though, in the main missions.
7.0 Graphics
It's an absolutely gorgeous game, but you'll need an insanely powerful PC to see it. It still looks nice with dialed back settings, but will rarely run well.
8.5 Sound
Great overworld music that feels right at home in a Final Fantasy game, backed by solid sound effects and rare instances of voice acting.
6.0 Gameplay
A flexible class system results in a welcome freedom of customization, but combat and other activities are still victims of the poor interface and performance. Questing gets repetitive quickly.
5.0 Lasting Appeal
Despite the strength of the class system, the game's economy and questing systems need a lot of work to keep players coming back for more.
OVERALL Mediocre