Alex said:
You really can't sweep the immense problems and barren content of this game under the rug just by saying "well, MMOs are rough at launch". That's just nonsense, there's a difference between feature complete and full polish and the absolute destitute state FFXIV launched in.
I've been playing MMOs off and on for about 12 years now, and it's one of the roughest I've ever seen. It has absolutely nothing going for it, where people are even seeing potential for the state it's in is beyond me.
Potential in:
-Amazingly gorgeous design in the evironments, characters, equipment, etc.
-Unique progression/job system that lets a player really flesh out his/her character the way he/she wants to.
-Story content with production values through the roof for an MMO.
-FFXI's community is/was one of the best I have ever seen in an online game. This game's community is largely composed of those same people. (This one isn't universal, but it's how I feel)
-Thoroughly integrated economy, given time to develop properly, will offer a much richer economy than what FFXI has and what most other games have.
-An overall experience and design philosophy very different from what the "standard" MMO offers. I could elaborate on this one but I won't in this bulleted list.
Being weighed down by:
-Clunky UI
-Lack of content
-Certain systems not yet being in place
-Stupid control issues that were overlooked but will be fixed
-Overly random/unbalanced skill point gains
-Mob spawn distribution not properly balanced for player volume
All of these things will be fixed in short order. People fail to see this. It's a great game being weighed down by a sum of mostly small issues.
I do not include "lack of play information" in the list of things weighing it down because if you're going to play a game for months, maybe years, getting immersed in the gameworld and community, the need to learn a few things isn't going to kill you. Things could be improved on that front, but I don't think it kills an MMO, at least not for me. An MMO is a game you play for the long-term. Once you learn how to do something, you know how to do it forever. If a learning curve in an MMO ruins it for you then you're an impatient twit who isn't going to like that sort of long-term gaming anyway.