notworksafe said:
Far more rational than the idea of putting out a game that isn't broken and half-finished, right?
In all reality, they had two options:
1) Delay the game, because it's obviously not what they would've ideally wanted to release.
2) Give people the option to pay for and play the game while they finish up the development.
They decided to go with the second option, which may seem stupid, but hear me out. It's going to be hard to get through making this point without seeming like a lunatic, and it's probably going to end up being an unfocused rant, but here goes:
The strategy they chose was essentially to give the players that really wanted to play the game the option to start playing before it was finished. All this really does is give gamers, the consumer,
more options of how/when they want to play the game and what to do with their money, compared with the more traditional method of just saying "well, we're not finished, so delay it."
Looking at it this way, it seems like what they did is a great thing, but here why it's not:
The gaming community sucks. It really sucks. Look at that youtube video posted above of the guy getting a kick out of laughing about a game getting low reviews and calling people faggots for liking it. Where does the motivation for that kind of thing come from? Why do people find it so satisfying to--collectively or not--shit all over a video game and verbally assault the people who like it? And that's really just a small segment. The fact is the gaming community of today loves to be critical and negative about everything. Gamers act as if they get points for every time they call a game shitty. It just seems so absurd to me. I'm not a big fan of, say, Halo, or God of War, just to give examples of popular franchises. In fact I pretty much loathe the way Halo games play. But I don't see myself getting any satisfaction going around saying "GAME SUX" and telling people they're idiots/homosexuals (and the homophobia thing is a whole other rant I could go on about how terrible the gaming community is) for liking it. This sort of thing has always been around, but it seems more than ever, in recent years, people get their kicks by going on about what games suck.
Now that was definitely a bit of a rant, but here's what I'm getting at: FFXIV
does suck, in a lot of ways,
right now. I imagine even some of the developers would admit to it if saying so didn't pose any risk to them. They
gave us the option to
and play the game before they finished it. Seems like a cool thing to do, right? Nope. Not with the mentality of the current gaming community.
I understand the idea that people need to be informed about whether a product is worth their money right now. I totally get that. But (and I know it's encyclopedia dramatica) if after seeing the ED page for this game as well as the shit that goes on on numerous other websites, you still think people aren't getting a kick out of collectively and concertedly shitting on this game, then you're an idiot.
And how is it that on our very own Neogaf we have people posting images saying a game is shitty because it's "Japanese and full of weaboos" and then people turn around saying there's no animosity towards Japanese-developed games?
I've done this before already but:
Think of one recent game you love and for the purposes of this hypothetical scenario call it your favorite. Imagine the developers of your favorite game decide to release this game unfinished, then finish up development via patches after release. The game will still end up being the same amazing final product it was always going to be, but now you have the added option of putting down your money now to get in now, even if the game isn't really up to scratch yet. You don't have to take the option, but it's there.
Well, unsurprisingly, this hypothetical game that you love gets shit all over because the company decided to give the consumer more options rather than less. When you break it down like this, how does it make any rational sense? I think it comes down to people getting kicks out of shitting on things they don't like.
People will say the problems with FFXIV run deeper than it being released in an unfinished state. Things like not liking the world design, or not liking the lack of jumping/swimming. To that there's not much more to say except: okay, so it was never going to be your cup of tea to begin with. There are different types of games for different people.
Telling people to hold onto their money and not buy an unfinished game is one thing. Some of the other crap going on around this game is downright absurd and sad.
demigod said:
Check WoW's reviews, thanks for playing guys. It amazes me how ya'll are still defending this crap. Face it, the game was rushed. If SE didn't want the low scores, they should have delayed it and came out with the PS3 version at the same time to fix shit. Don't blame the reviewers for the low scores, blame your god SE.
Maybe you have this idea that there are only haters and defenders in this world. I'm not defending the game; I'm defending rationality. I think the game in its current state is unfinished and terrible, and I barely have any motivation to log on even during my free 30 days. I just think there is a ridiculous amount of immaturity and irrationality surrounding the reception of this game. I dunno, I guess that happens all the time in gaming, but it seems like a recently growing phenomenon.