notworksafe said:In those MMOs the "follow the line" bits that mark everything out are optional and can be turned off. So are the pop-up tutorials, hints, notes, and quest tracking, and the rest of the helpers. You can tailor many MMOs to be as hand holding as you want or just turn off the helpers and figure it out yourself. The problem I see is those things aren't even an option on FFXIV.
There is a tutorial on how to fight when you begin the game, there is a crafting tutorial you can sign up for at the leve counter, there are tutorials for how to do battle leves and field leves at the camp crystals, after call your retainer for the first time there is a tutorial, when you do the mission quests you read the description and there is also a marker of where to go to do the quest if you select the map button. I don't really see what else needs to be added or what is missing when it comes to tutorials.
To the person who said FFXIV is tunnles and corrdors has not played the game.