wants to fuck an Asian grill.
Ok how can any FF fan not lose their shit at this?
Cuz its FF. Every entry has a legion of lovers, haters, and everything in between
Ok how can any FF fan not lose their shit at this?
Ok how can any FF fan not lose their shit at this?
It's Yoshi P taking the MMO stance. Enjoy the story while learning how to play his game and then in NG+ use what you learned as you play the real game. Big investment to get to the point where you play the game as it was intended.
Do I think people will play Hard mode? Yeah. But I also think there will be a group of people that aren't going to care enough to play through it all again with tougher enemies and different enemy placements.
Really reminds me of again his design philosophy in XIV with Trial/Raid boss fights having a Extreme and Savage version and you have to play the easy mode version first to unlock the harder mode.
When he makes games he really needs to have a middle ground to bridge that gap and I don't think that is a lesson he will ever learn.
Ok maybe I managed to improve things a bit with Gaming Tech's last tips. I'm still playing on HGIG and brightness at 5 but I've redone the PS5 HDR settings by limiting myself to 11 clicks set 1, 11 clicks set 2, all down to zero set 3. On a LG C9 800 nts. It seems - they say - the game has a little bug in reference to how it uses the system HDR and that's why you have to reset it differently from the other games (which usually just want you barely visible/not visible in set 1 and 2). I'll keep you posted.
Ok how can any FF fan not lose their shit at this?
Please elaborate. I'm not even gonna reply to it and argue. Genuinely curious to why you think it's the best FF in 20 years.
I'm 25 hours in, open the hunt board, get Ramuh, and the difficulty level spikes pretty hard.
Anyone getting a small occasional light green screen ticker in certain cutscenes? I’m playing in 4k on an hdr TV performance mode. Scares me to death because my launch console had a green screen crash and console turned off issue after about 8 months of use. Vrr is off on the console.
Hmm, skillup did not like it
So far this is the best final fantasy I have ever played. My favorite prior to this title was FF Tactics. That could change I am only 25 hours in and am about 5 hours past unlocking Ramuh. The story is so good that I can't even play anything else because I have to see where it's going. The side quests add more context to that story and the world. Certain ones really stand out "Play Things" and everything else around the Veil blew me away.Please elaborate. I'm not even gonna reply to it and argue. Genuinely curious to why you think it's the best FF in 20 years.
Yep, I made sure that was off as well.It might be one of the audio settings within the game. I forget what it's called, but open the game's setting and turn off any visual audio feedback.
Perfectly putHe's more than allowed to not like the game - I had a whole thread pre-launch about how the gameplay looked like solid, but decidely PS2/early PS3 Japanese action gamey it appeared to be (looks like I was right, even based on positive feedback); it's not a setting or look most people necessarily want or expect out of FF - but his review starts off on false pretenses.
Xenoblade is not really a successful franchise. It peaks at like 3 million copies. Persona sells enough to be called successful (bearing in mind that sales of 5, Royal included, tap at about 5-6 million), but it's not successful because of the turn based combat. In fact, I would say Persona manages success in spite of its gameplay. It sells on the idea behind the story, the characters, and the visual novel-esque presentation that allows players to self-insert into an idyllic high school experience. In any case, I don't even see a review of it on his channel.
Final Fantasy VII Remake is not turn based. It's like saying Max Payne is a strategy series.
Yoshida is right about FF needing to evolve past what it has been before; Skill Up's issues with the party are a perfect example of how storytelling in a lot of Japanese games have stagnated. How many times has the generic "power of friendship" thing been shoehorned into stories where it doesn't even fit? In the case of XVI, telling a story over 20 years means that people are going to come and go out of one guy's life, no matter how eventful it is. I think more games, even western ones would do better to honestly portray people and relationships. Not everyone's going to remain friends forever.
It must also be said that no matter what you think of this game, it's only a positive for Square Enix going forward. It's been too long since they had a relatively clean development cycle for a game that wasn't a remake, that had focused direction. If nothing else this game sets a new procedural standard for the company going forward, even if you don't agree with the specific content.
exacly what my impressions areSo far this is the best final fantasy I have ever played. My favorite prior to this title was FF Tactics. That could change I am only 25 hours in and am about 5 hours past unlocking Ramuh. The story is so good that I can't even play anything else because I have to see where it's going. The side quests add more context to that story and the world. Certain ones really stand out "Play Things" and everything else around the Veil blew me away.the story goes FF Tactics as fuck.After the Typhon fight and villain reveal
The graphics are definitely next-gen even if the console can't keep up, the music is God tier only one song so far I'm not really fond of. The areas really open up and are absolutely huge. The combat is so well executed that I cannot compare it to any other Final Fantasy. The easiest way to describe it is to just tell you to watch for the button-mashing comment. Anyone saying that hasn't gotten the combat yet and is playing a completely different game than the one I am playing. It's easy enough to get into but the combat system is deep. Unless it falls off a cliff this will be in my top 10, maybe 5 games easy.
Forgot to add I love the hunts, Ahriman is an easy fight but, make one mistake, and boom.
Absolutely on point.Yoshida is right about FF needing to evolve past what it has been before; Skill Up's issues with the party are a perfect example of how storytelling in a lot of Japanese games have stagnated. How many times has the generic "power of friendship" thing been shoehorned into stories where it doesn't even fit? In the case of XVI, telling a story over 20 years means that people are going to come and go out of one guy's life, no matter how eventful it is. I think more games, even western ones would do better to honestly portray people and relationships. Not everyone's going to remain friends forever.
It must also be said that no matter what you think of this game, it's only a positive for Square Enix going forward. It's been too long since they had a relatively clean development cycle for a game that wasn't a remake, that had focused direction. If nothing else this game sets a new procedural standard for the company going forward, even if you don't agree with the specific content.
I like the combat, the Eikon system is fun and has a lots of depth. But it needs more basic skills/attacks, it's kind of boring when you using the same chain combos for a 40 hous game.just reach the 2nd timeskip, godamiit game is so good. I had 0 complain so far.
I really cant agree with any of these combat criticism. if you went in expecting a character action game, this does 0 mistake so far.
the typhoon battle so far is the most jawdropping boss battle in my recent memory, with the drake battle at the bridge at my close 2nd
exacly what my impressions are
granted I only played 4 6 7 9 13 15 but so far 16 is easily the best out of them.
People who are far ahead in the game, out of the initial demo area and the upfront set-pieces, do you guys agree with this ?
Nah it's the same as stacking 99 hi-potions/phoenix downs etc.. for a fight.It is ridiculous. You don't even have to try.
4 potions, 3 high potions are MORE than enough. Not to mention you respawn at a "checkpoint" with max potions where the boss doesn't even have full health.
cant say I agree, I am comboing enough after geting garuda. and the game gives you limit break and the 3rd eikon after a whileI like the combat, the Eikon system is fun and has a lots of depth. But it needs more basic skills/attacks, it's kind of boring when you using the same chain combos for a 40 hous game.
Same, and always found new uses of my abilities and keep doing skills respec and trying to find new combos etc..cant say I agree, I am comboing enough after geting garuda. and the game gives you limit break and the 3rd eikon after a while
That’s probably my only complaint. I wish there was a little more, and I don’t think the core game would really need to change much to add a little more of that stuff. Regardless I can still take it for what it is and have a blast. It’s still been awesome so far.Sorry to tell you but that won't be happening. I'm just telling you so you can set your expectations accordingly. Not saying you shouldn't be disappointed, but just don't continue holding on to a hope that things like the bolded are coming. I'm 10 hours into the game (but I've also read a lot of reviews) and I would in no way consider FFXVI an RPG in any capacity. It's a full blown action game.
People who are far ahead in the game, out of the initial demo area and the upfront set-pieces, do you guys agree with this ?
I agree with the commentary that the game not letting you play hard mode at the start is a problem. The combat has excellent depth, but the gameplay doesn’t force you to engage with it like FromSoft games do, and so you have some gamers just mashing square, using skills on cooldown, and essentially breezing through most combat encounters. This of course, leads to folks saying the combat is button mashy.
Landing a heatwave counter or a rook’s gambit counter is incredibly satisfying. It just looks great, feels good, and you get a massive reduction in the cooldown timers that essentially rewards technical mastery of the combat. But so far, none of the enemies have posed genuine risk.
Missed opportunity, imo.
Yeah, I agree on that note, the fights definitely go much faster if you do engage with the mechanics. Pulling an enemy down at half stagger and then gouging the shit out of them to get them to full stagger or at least very close to full stagger is sooooo good.I will say it does give me Clssic Final Fantasy game vibes for that reason. Sure, you could just mash attack and kill everything that way, but fights would last far longer. By making proper use of your skills, abilities, and when/how to lower CDs - you can end fights nearly 50-80% faster. Which feels great moving from one fight ot the next in that quick forward momentum from understanding the mechanics.
Wow so I have a big, irritating and pointless difficulty spike to reward me in 10-15 hours time. Whoop-de do.
Nah it's the same as stacking 99 hi-potions/phoenix downs etc.. for a fight.
I will say it does give me Clssic Final Fantasy game vibes for that reason. Sure, you could just mash attack and kill everything that way, but fights would last far longer. By making proper use of your skills, abilities, and when/how to lower CDs - you can end fights nearly 50-80% faster. Which feels great moving from one fight ot the next in that quick forward momentum from understanding the mechanics.
People who are far ahead in the game, out of the initial demo area and the upfront set-pieces, do you guys agree with this ?
People who are far ahead in the game, out of the initial demo area and the upfront set-pieces, do you guys agree with this ?
People who are far ahead in the game, out of the initial demo area and the upfront set-pieces, do you guys agree with this ?
Bookmarked for future fun.No way it ends up GOTY.
What am I comparing it to? Like I said, it's the first final fantasy game that rewards skill and efforts.What are you making the comparison to? FFXV? That was also a bad decision where you can constantly spam potions to win.
XVI doesn't have to present the same problems here. It's a modern day gaming issue here, but at least other games give the option to be challenged, even if the difficulty increase is more artificial. I was very concerned with the difficulty before the release of this game...and I'm sad to say I was right.
FF is my favorite franchise of all time. I am not annoyed with the switch from turn based to action. What I am annoyed is why the game only has 2 difficulty options for your first playthrough: 1) Extremely Easy and 2) Easy.
Nah, they’re lore dumps. If you don’t care about how they’re growing food in the hideout, then yes, they are “pointless”.Every single side quest has been pointless so far
Yeah actually they always add something to the characterisation of it all.Nah, they’re lore dumps. If you don’t care about how they’re growing food in the hideout, then yes, they are “pointless”.
Lol. They're growing food like anyone would grow food, with ingredients, that I had to go fetch. Where is the lore in grabbing ingredients for food? Lmfao. There are MANY more examples like that so far than anything that actually adds anything at all to the story or world, and they are all extremelyyyyyyy basic.Nah, they’re lore dumps. If you don’t care about how they’re growing food in the hideout, then yes, they are “pointless”.
Lol anyone who has played as much as I have and thinks this has any shot at GOTY is smoking that goodBookmarked for future fun.
What am I comparing it to? Like I said, it's the first final fantasy game that rewards skill and efforts.
Sorry but to act that the game is easy while totally ignoring that all of them were besides endgame is absurd. There wasn't any challenges in the old titles as well, oh wait I'm ready for kefka, let's grind to 99 while killing dinosaurs to be ready for it etc.. Oh ultima weapon, let's grind and then find the needed items after the endgame for it.
Give me a break
If it's too easy as some people complain then why restarting with potions during a boss fight is a problem for them?Compared to the older games, this is much more forgiving.
Grinding is a different story...sure, almost every single RPG you can overpower and effortlessly win, but that will take a long time and a lot of commitment. Most people won't reach Lv99 by the time they get to the final boss in older FF games. It's the game's balance and forgiveness that boggles my mind.
Older FF games had more regular enemies that would challenge players and be a threat if you didn't make the right decision, used the right spells with limited MP, right items, etc. They would hit harder too.
So far most regular enemies can be one shot by an Eikon ability that you can use infinitely with cooldowns. I'm intentionally not even buying the stronger weapons and still doing this.
I keep using the word forgiveness because I believe it's a major issue with not only this game, but most triple A games nowadays. Imagine in FF6, 7 or 8 if your party wipes while fighting an early to mid boss...and you have to only press a single button to respawn with maximum health, maximum healing items and oh, the boss now has a quarter of their HP deducted. To me that takes a lot of the tension, excitement and engagement away. Just my personal opinion.
Other than that? The story, characters, music, writing and world building is superb. It's phenomenal. The best I've seen from Square since the golden age of RPG's. I want this game to be good, but it is missing many important things that would have made this the GOAT.
Just wanted to toss out that FFXIII is legit difficult at times. You can't brute force your way through anything in that game, even regular enemies. If you don't have the right paradigms in place you'll get your ass handed to you.What am I comparing it to? Like I said, it's the first final fantasy game that rewards skill and efforts.
Sorry but to act that the game is easy while totally ignoring that all of them were besides endgame is absurd. There wasn't any challenges in the old titles as well, oh wait I'm ready for kefka, let's grind to 99 while killing dinosaurs to be ready for it etc.. Oh ultima weapon, let's grind and then find the needed items after the endgame for it.
Give me a break