So I've been playing this franchise since 1987 and have seen the ups and downs and constant changes that it provides to the players in terms of its scope, gameplay, writing, etc. Favs include 4, 6, 7, 9, 12, 13, 15 and now this one.
I think 16 is one of the most impressive and coolest audio visual entertainment pieces of any medium Ive ever experienced. Im not hot on the down time side missions in between the big story beat chapters, but there's some occasional good ones in there. Not Witcher 3 tier, but they'll border on it at random. For me, the combat, writing, and soundtrack and god damn the story. The story guys. Thats what carries me through this amazing experience so far.
There's a lot of FF4 in here. ALOT. So much so that it makes me wonder if they're at all connected in some weird way. For anyone that doesnt think this is a "real" FF game, you either havent played them all or are just being purposefully ignorant about the franchises history. Nearly every single entry is different from the last and this is no different.
And Im no weeb, but if I had to.....fuckin Benedikta dude. She could be the hottest game chick Ive ever seen. Good god damn.