I am writing this as a sequel to my earlier thread on the relationship storyline with Judy.
First Thing's First: I feel justified in making "Just Another Cyberpunk 2077" thread because I've actually played the shit out of the game and I have more to offer than "CDPR suck" or "this game was total bs" or whatever other tired things could be said, and have been said.
My two endings (Male V, maximum difficulty) were the Arasaka one, in which I rejected 'Save Your Soul' or whatever it's called, and the Johnny Silverhand one, in which I elected to sacrifice Johnny to give V his own body for 6 more months. I've yet to try the Panam ending, I am worried that Panam will get killed off which would blow.
1a) Why did I first do the Arasaka ending?
This is a weird one. To be honest, I thought Takemura was a good guy. I've played about 250 hours of CP2077 thus far but until this latest playthough on PC I had never got much further than the next few missions after the Japantown parade. I just kinda unthinkingly thought that helping him sort out the Arasaka mess was the right thing to do. Also, Hanako's ass is so nom'able that I just went along with it.
I wanna bite into her glutes like a bear biting into a kodiak salmon...
...well I mean up until the point of drawing blood then take it back a notch or two
1b) How do I feel about the ending?
I think what happened to me was about right, I shouldn't have gone with the corpo solution and I forgot that the whole tone of the game was built around V and Johnny's relationship - that any other ending would feel pretty lowkey in comparison. They used me, they took over the world, I became a useless pawn with an expiry date, it was very annoying, and all sweet-ass Hanako had to say to me at the end of it all was "we'd like to use you as a merc for the last 6 months of your life contact my company" jeez.. Losing all my friends and getting "told ya so" messages from them all was pretty shit.
1c) What did I think of the endgame content for the Arasaka storyline?
Slightly more positive here, I did enjoy breaking Hanako out of her house (I was hugely over-level'd so it was a bit of a breeze), and I think that Adam Smasher fight is the best version, of the ones I've thus far done. Sneaking through the forest level was cool. Johnny got shredded and yeah, they put a lot of effort into underlining the fact that I made a fucking bad choice lol, fair enough.
2a) What did I think of the Johnny Silverhand ending?
I didn't use this at first because I was kinda put off by how assertive he was about taking me over, I came back to it when I realized that that was probably the most appropriate from a gameplay perspective.
2b) How did I feel about the ending?
First off, the way they handled Alt Cunningham was bullshit, I have a feeling that earlier in the game they were planning for Johnny to really get her back somehow, or at least for some humanity to filter back into her, but she seriously just became a giant error popup for all the good she did the narrative. Booorriiing. I kinda like the way Rogue died, but for some reason her gun and grenade didn't spawn in my save file so she was just kinda miming everything and that broke immersion pretty badly. The Adam Smasher fight was... okay... there were more enemy soldiers with big guns for my to turn Cyberpsycho but the big databanks obstructed their fire zones too much for them to really be useful, and when I finally killed him he was on an elevated platform and my double jump was disabled because the game wanted me to leave the room. So I didn't get to loot him and I had to headshot his scalp from the other side of the room. I let V live out his life, and the last scene has him making a space jump to some heist venue... It is meant to end with him being very expressive while flying through space but his facial animations didn't really hold up their end of the bargain. A bit disapointing. Also his only shoes were really stupid so I completed that whole post-game with bare feet.
2c) What did I think of the endgame content for the Johnny storyline?
Ah, what can I say, like the game in general they didn't really convey the ramping up of intensity very well with characters (the original Johnny mission to Arasaka Tower when V first gets killed had a bunch of entourage and much better combat, this one just has Jamaican boy and Rogue) or the set pieces.
I have hugely enjoyed the game for the last few weeks on PC. I didn't really love it on PS4 Pro, more because I prefer a mouse to a videogame controller (anyone saying controllers are better than mice for FPSs are just trying to be hip) than because of any instability issues or anything like that.
The gameplay loop of Cyberpunk 2077 - rove around, solve problems, sell items, upgrade, rove around solving problems, level into new areas with more complex puzzles and bigger rewards, etc - was fucking amazing. I loved this loop. Best I've experienced since MGS5, possibly. A lot of the side mission storylines were legitimately excellent - I particularly like the glut of mini missions in the area around Johtaro Shoto, or whatever his name was... Across those rooftops, that cyberpsycho, bugging that russian sports car, that was already really fun stuff. I can absolutely recommend this game to anyone for the quality of its open world missions, content, progression, gameplay loops. Its exploration isn't bad either though considering how easy it is to climb buildings I wish they'd stashed more secret things on rooftops and high balconies and stuff.
I think the badlands were probably an area that actually excceeded my expectations a bit... They really felt huge and sparsly populated, with a few pretty interesting and challenging Militech missions - the sniper cyberpsycho was pretty fun, that giant wreck with the murdered journalist, yeah. It was kinda surrealy driving/double jumping across like 2 km of landfil to get to that australian random with V's nomad car... I clipped through almost everything, yeah it was wacky, but it also felt pretty epic.
The first time I infiltrated the parade float facility for Takemura was extremely fun, kinda reminded me of earlier MGS titles.
The story of Cyberpunk 2077 was actually a bit reminiscent of the aforementioned MGS5, in that it kinda fell flat in the end, for me. I think they put a lot of heart and soul into the first half of the stuff, up until the end of the Japantown Parade, but everything after that kinda contracted in scale rather than expanding in scale. A lot of things felt unresolved, I really thought Panam would be a more useful girlfriend after I'd beat the game - she's just a fucking NPC in her camp with the same blue questions you got from calling her anywhere on the map. Yes, in summary, the central story/stories of the game kinda let me down.
I liked how they started bringing in a bit of the Witcher Viola, or whatever it was, in later missions...
I know this is a bit perverse, but I kinda expected CP2077 to push sex in gaming to new levels... if they give you a wang and the ability to make it yuge I would expect to see him pining Panam to her tank seat with the thing in full 3D... Getting just another sweaty montage was really dissapointing... What can I say, I expected this game to go further than any other game, but it really didn't seem that much removed from Mass Effect. Also, in my Japanese version all the woman have underware on even when naked, so I expected Alt Cunningham would have actual nipples during her little sex montage with Johnny, but no she wore a bra in that one, too. Booriiing.
Would I advise my slightly younger self to play this game? Absolutely.
Do I resent CDPR for what they did with this game? Qualified no, I think some of their 'directors' made shit decisions (first person only, soundtrack choice, car handling, complete lack of secret locations to discover that are not just settings for later missions that you stumble upon early)
Would I advise them to keep their PC preorder instead of dumping it for a censored Japanese hard copy for PS4 Pro? Absolutely.
Would I warn people against buying and playing this game? Shit no, it's awesome and if you pick up good hardware as it gets cheaper over the next few years it'll look insane.
In summary, the minute-to-minute gameplay for a completionist in Cyberpunk 2077 is so damn good that the storyline can simply be an irrelevant sideshow that you turn to when you feel like a bit of schlock.
Was it worth the price I paid for it across two platforms? Considering that I played this game more than RDR2, God of War, Horizon Zero Dawn and probably Control put together, yes I think it was worth it. I should give RDR2 another go if I ever get the chance, though.
First Thing's First: I feel justified in making "Just Another Cyberpunk 2077" thread because I've actually played the shit out of the game and I have more to offer than "CDPR suck" or "this game was total bs" or whatever other tired things could be said, and have been said.
My thoughts upon completing two endings.

My two endings (Male V, maximum difficulty) were the Arasaka one, in which I rejected 'Save Your Soul' or whatever it's called, and the Johnny Silverhand one, in which I elected to sacrifice Johnny to give V his own body for 6 more months. I've yet to try the Panam ending, I am worried that Panam will get killed off which would blow.
1a) Why did I first do the Arasaka ending?
This is a weird one. To be honest, I thought Takemura was a good guy. I've played about 250 hours of CP2077 thus far but until this latest playthough on PC I had never got much further than the next few missions after the Japantown parade. I just kinda unthinkingly thought that helping him sort out the Arasaka mess was the right thing to do. Also, Hanako's ass is so nom'able that I just went along with it.

I wanna bite into her glutes like a bear biting into a kodiak salmon...
...well I mean up until the point of drawing blood then take it back a notch or two
1b) How do I feel about the ending?
I think what happened to me was about right, I shouldn't have gone with the corpo solution and I forgot that the whole tone of the game was built around V and Johnny's relationship - that any other ending would feel pretty lowkey in comparison. They used me, they took over the world, I became a useless pawn with an expiry date, it was very annoying, and all sweet-ass Hanako had to say to me at the end of it all was "we'd like to use you as a merc for the last 6 months of your life contact my company" jeez.. Losing all my friends and getting "told ya so" messages from them all was pretty shit.
1c) What did I think of the endgame content for the Arasaka storyline?
Slightly more positive here, I did enjoy breaking Hanako out of her house (I was hugely over-level'd so it was a bit of a breeze), and I think that Adam Smasher fight is the best version, of the ones I've thus far done. Sneaking through the forest level was cool. Johnny got shredded and yeah, they put a lot of effort into underlining the fact that I made a fucking bad choice lol, fair enough.
2a) What did I think of the Johnny Silverhand ending?
I didn't use this at first because I was kinda put off by how assertive he was about taking me over, I came back to it when I realized that that was probably the most appropriate from a gameplay perspective.
2b) How did I feel about the ending?
First off, the way they handled Alt Cunningham was bullshit, I have a feeling that earlier in the game they were planning for Johnny to really get her back somehow, or at least for some humanity to filter back into her, but she seriously just became a giant error popup for all the good she did the narrative. Booorriiing. I kinda like the way Rogue died, but for some reason her gun and grenade didn't spawn in my save file so she was just kinda miming everything and that broke immersion pretty badly. The Adam Smasher fight was... okay... there were more enemy soldiers with big guns for my to turn Cyberpsycho but the big databanks obstructed their fire zones too much for them to really be useful, and when I finally killed him he was on an elevated platform and my double jump was disabled because the game wanted me to leave the room. So I didn't get to loot him and I had to headshot his scalp from the other side of the room. I let V live out his life, and the last scene has him making a space jump to some heist venue... It is meant to end with him being very expressive while flying through space but his facial animations didn't really hold up their end of the bargain. A bit disapointing. Also his only shoes were really stupid so I completed that whole post-game with bare feet.

2c) What did I think of the endgame content for the Johnny storyline?
Ah, what can I say, like the game in general they didn't really convey the ramping up of intensity very well with characters (the original Johnny mission to Arasaka Tower when V first gets killed had a bunch of entourage and much better combat, this one just has Jamaican boy and Rogue) or the set pieces.
I have hugely enjoyed the game for the last few weeks on PC. I didn't really love it on PS4 Pro, more because I prefer a mouse to a videogame controller (anyone saying controllers are better than mice for FPSs are just trying to be hip) than because of any instability issues or anything like that.
The gameplay loop of Cyberpunk 2077 - rove around, solve problems, sell items, upgrade, rove around solving problems, level into new areas with more complex puzzles and bigger rewards, etc - was fucking amazing. I loved this loop. Best I've experienced since MGS5, possibly. A lot of the side mission storylines were legitimately excellent - I particularly like the glut of mini missions in the area around Johtaro Shoto, or whatever his name was... Across those rooftops, that cyberpsycho, bugging that russian sports car, that was already really fun stuff. I can absolutely recommend this game to anyone for the quality of its open world missions, content, progression, gameplay loops. Its exploration isn't bad either though considering how easy it is to climb buildings I wish they'd stashed more secret things on rooftops and high balconies and stuff.
I think the badlands were probably an area that actually excceeded my expectations a bit... They really felt huge and sparsly populated, with a few pretty interesting and challenging Militech missions - the sniper cyberpsycho was pretty fun, that giant wreck with the murdered journalist, yeah. It was kinda surrealy driving/double jumping across like 2 km of landfil to get to that australian random with V's nomad car... I clipped through almost everything, yeah it was wacky, but it also felt pretty epic.
The first time I infiltrated the parade float facility for Takemura was extremely fun, kinda reminded me of earlier MGS titles.
The story of Cyberpunk 2077 was actually a bit reminiscent of the aforementioned MGS5, in that it kinda fell flat in the end, for me. I think they put a lot of heart and soul into the first half of the stuff, up until the end of the Japantown Parade, but everything after that kinda contracted in scale rather than expanding in scale. A lot of things felt unresolved, I really thought Panam would be a more useful girlfriend after I'd beat the game - she's just a fucking NPC in her camp with the same blue questions you got from calling her anywhere on the map. Yes, in summary, the central story/stories of the game kinda let me down.
I liked how they started bringing in a bit of the Witcher Viola, or whatever it was, in later missions...
I know this is a bit perverse, but I kinda expected CP2077 to push sex in gaming to new levels... if they give you a wang and the ability to make it yuge I would expect to see him pining Panam to her tank seat with the thing in full 3D... Getting just another sweaty montage was really dissapointing... What can I say, I expected this game to go further than any other game, but it really didn't seem that much removed from Mass Effect. Also, in my Japanese version all the woman have underware on even when naked, so I expected Alt Cunningham would have actual nipples during her little sex montage with Johnny, but no she wore a bra in that one, too. Booriiing.
Would I advise my slightly younger self to play this game? Absolutely.
Do I resent CDPR for what they did with this game? Qualified no, I think some of their 'directors' made shit decisions (first person only, soundtrack choice, car handling, complete lack of secret locations to discover that are not just settings for later missions that you stumble upon early)
Would I advise them to keep their PC preorder instead of dumping it for a censored Japanese hard copy for PS4 Pro? Absolutely.
Would I warn people against buying and playing this game? Shit no, it's awesome and if you pick up good hardware as it gets cheaper over the next few years it'll look insane.
In summary, the minute-to-minute gameplay for a completionist in Cyberpunk 2077 is so damn good that the storyline can simply be an irrelevant sideshow that you turn to when you feel like a bit of schlock.
Was it worth the price I paid for it across two platforms? Considering that I played this game more than RDR2, God of War, Horizon Zero Dawn and probably Control put together, yes I think it was worth it. I should give RDR2 another go if I ever get the chance, though.
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