JavyOO7 said:Naw, not that one. That was Super Mario Sunshine.
But it's EXACTLY what I'm talking about.
That was pretty badass seeing the first ever footage of SMS in Spaceworld, hearing the music and seeing the goo and waterpack and the city was so badass.
I'm just wondering if anyone has seen the first ever footage of Mario 64. How was it like if you ever saw it?
DJ Demon J said:Project Reality was Ultra 64 i.e. Nintendo 64.
levious said:nothing negative to add?
SantaCruZer said:no shit sherlock!
SantaCruZer said:wasn't tim boon on that show? I remember watching it on sky one. (no i am not british)
Gamemaster = Ultimate Rad, executer etc?
SFA_AOK said:The one with Tim Boone was Games World, same production company (Hewland), different show. Ultimate Rad, executer... they sound like the "expert" gamers that were on the Friday show (Beat the Elite). It's quite mental to think we had a game show that was on every week night all the way back then heh heh
Nintendo wants to create virtual worlds for the player rather than limit themselves with footage from recorded video, which is what current CD-ROM games are limited to.
SantaCruZer said:That show was hella fun. I remember that the contestants had to spin a wheel which game they would play. That old lady was owning it up in Columns. I also remember that Ultimate Rad was a reviewer on NMS. (Nintendo Magazine System) What happend to that magazine? I imported it every month.
SFA_AOK said:Yeah Gamesworld was indeed quite good, some of the shows during the week weren't so great but the two gaming challenge shows were good, the reviews programme was good and it had the games mistress
Not sure I remember Ultimate Rad but I'm sure it's Radion Automatic, he wrote for EMAP mags for ages, he was a writer back before Mean Machines split into MM Sega and NMS. NMS became Official Nintendo Magazine which I think JohnTV writes the occasional column for. (I think ONM is the only gaming mag that Emap has left...) Not sure what happened to Rad, maybe he started writing under his real name?heh heh...
digit said:WTF? I know Nintendo's decision to go with cartridges (and its difficulties with 3rd parties because of that) have been discussed to death. But it's funny to see EGM back in the day falling for Nintendo's justifications.
SantaCruZer said:oh now I remember it was radion automatic![]()
SFA_AOK said:There were a couple of UK TV shows at the time (Bad Influence and Gamesmaster) that showed footage from the show. Good times. I remember the week before, Dominik Diamond said something like "Next week, Nintendo will be showing off it's new Ultra 64 console and if they're to be believed, it should be more powerful than my mum."
And a lot of disadvantages, very high media player costs, slow access and high seek times, necessity for a separate device to save, noise, heat, increased size of machine and less durable media to mention a few.digit said:WTF? I know Nintendo's decision to go with cartridges (and its difficulties with 3rd parties because of that) have been discussed to death. But it's funny to see EGM back in the day falling for Nintendo's justifications. Even in 1995, it was clear that CDs offered a lot of advantages besides FMV -- lower production costs, faster manufacturing, room for high quality sound files, pre-rendered backgrounds.
COCKLES said:Haha. Yeah I remember Bad Influence footage of Mario. First time I saw it. Looked fucking incredible....only those super crisp hi-res images didn't quite equate to the same thing you saw when it finally arrived on actual N64 hardware and shitty lo-res resoultion.
COCKLES said:Haha. Yeah I remember Bad Influence footage of Mario. First time I saw it. Looked fucking incredible....only those super crisp hi-res images didn't quite equate to the same thing you saw when it finally arrived on actual N64 hardware and shitty lo-res resoultion.
DJ Demon J said:It wasn't just EGM, and it still happens today.
That demo of Mario and pals in a city was running on N64 dev kits. It was primarily used to show off the mip-mapping and level of detail techniques possible on N64 (some might remember the checkered-textured water tower). The Museum demo was used just to show off unique 3D interfaces.
The Ultra 64 in arcades had nothing to do with Project Reality or the real Ultra 64/Nintendo 64. It was a 32 bit arcade board by Midway with the Ultra 64 name slapped on it for marketing reasons.DJ Demon J said:Oh, right, sorry. Ultra 64 was awesome, KI had everyone stoked, and then what happens, we get the shitty N64. "Consumers don't want CDs!"
jarrod said:Shoshinkai '95 debuts...
Super Mario 64
Wave Race 64
Super Mario Kart R
Star Fox 64
...and a bunch of other early stuff was shown too (The Legend of Zelda, Pilot Wings 64, Kirby Bowl 64, Body Harvest, Buggy Boogie, Blast Dozer, Creator, Star Wars 64, etc)
Heh.dark10x said:![]()
Ha ha ha!!!