Excellent, I was just downloading all of the Bink and E3 videos again yesterday, and wishing for more CS/DoD/HL source videos.
The environments don't look much different outside of some changed textures and added or replaced structures (like busted up technicals in place of some boxes on Dust), though they certainly do look better. The indoor area of Itali looked much, much better, though, and I liked how the watermelons and stuff in the market were modelled and had physics applied and what not. The character models and animation is much better than I originally thought by judging from the E3 video of Aztec as well, and the hideos, low-res static image that used to circle around the outside of the maps as the sky/background appear to be gone, in exchange for HL2's skies, that alone is a huge improvement. Also, the weapon models, though not a huge improvement, seem a lot more improved than the AK did in the Aztec demo.