Something tremendous is happening; over the last few weeks, without too many of its globe-headed detractors noticing, a surprisingly vast community on the tattered fringes of intellectual orthodoxy is in turmoil. A bizarre new theory has turned the flat earth upside down. The flat earth is still flat, but now its dotted with tiny imitations of the truly enormous trees that once covered the continents, and which in our deforested age we can hardly even remember.
But lately, theres been a change; something new and furious is growing in the community. No Forests on Flat Earth is an incredible new theory, proposed only last month. Its claim is grand, counterintuitive, and beautiful: we were lied to; our flat earth has no forests. Thousands of people are ready to believe it. This might prove to be important; you cant understand our reality without understanding those dark and secret places where its denied. New discoveries in mainstream science just tell us about the physical universe; earth-shattering developments in the conspiracy-theory fringe tell us whats happening to ourselves. No Forests on Flat Earth might be the future of weirdness, and its utterly magnificent.
We start with a montage of forests, peaceful scenes studded with sunlight, the kind of pictures just waiting for some inspirational quote to be plastered on top of them. Weve all seen forests, we all know what they are; how could anyone claim that they dont exist? But our narrator knows better. They make us think that this is a forest, he tells us, when you are actually looking at thirty-meter bushes. After watching this video, you will reverse your concept of forests by 360 degrees. This isnt a forest at all: only a diminished imitation. Thousands of years ago, a cataclysmic event destroyed 99% of the Earths biosphere, and when it happened, it took away the real forests. Real trees are nothing like their stunted cousins, the miserable perishing scraps of wood that we see today; they were truly vast, hundreds of kilometers tall, magical organisms that sustained a total living ecology of the flat earth. These things were the anchor of a beautiful world that has now vanished forever. And how does he know? Because everywhere around us, we can see their stumps.
Link to no forest on flat earth video