No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
One of the more heated debates in my household is the use of standard floss, versus those little plastic flossers.
I'm very much on #TeamFlosser, as they're just so handy, easy to carry around, and do a great job. But, admittedly, they also produce far more waste than standard floss. (But I also eat off of paper plates for lunch everyday, so whatever.)
Furthermore, I use the flossers that have TWO floss strings on them, for double the clean. They absolutely can't be beat and I will die on this hill.
I'm very much on #TeamFlosser, as they're just so handy, easy to carry around, and do a great job. But, admittedly, they also produce far more waste than standard floss. (But I also eat off of paper plates for lunch everyday, so whatever.)
Furthermore, I use the flossers that have TWO floss strings on them, for double the clean. They absolutely can't be beat and I will die on this hill.