bob_arctor said:Looks good, especially that second pic. 60fps? *crosses fingers*
dorio said:Looks like apex. Last thing I heard it was 60fps.
The target is for 30 frames per second, with the developers saying that the games full screen anti-aliasing was more important than 60fps.
dark10x said:No, 30 fps.
Vagabond said:Sorry, sir, but all that I read that it was 60FPS in-game but 30FPS for replays.
Vagabond said:Sorry, sir, but all that I read that it was 60FPS in-game but 30FPS for replays.
.. arent replays usually higher FPS since they have less stuff to calculate ??
waste of time and money. stupid ms. no one will ever best GT. why do they still even try?
they are frame buffer shots. I don't know why people call them doctored.Li Mu Bai said:Yay! More doctored replay shots.
Li Mu Bai said:Yay! More doctored replay shots.
BOE are you being sarcastic? I remember you being much more xbox friendly....
element said:t
These are just as 'doctored' as all the GT4 replay shots we see.
dark10x said:Uhh, he's telling it like it is. Nobody has the resources and time to match GT at this point. There are just too many features and too much attention to detail. GT4 can't really be touched in this particular genre of racing. Why waste your time trying to compete with something like that?
Redbeard said:The only things GT has over it are quantity and visual punch.
Redbeard said:Oh, I don't know, mabye because GT4 isn't on Xbox?
And Forza actually has more features and attention to detail than GT, so your point is a little moot. The only things GT has over it are quantity and visual punch.
dark10x said:What might those features be? Looking at the overall package, GT4 is simply loaded with an incredible number of features that I don't believe anything could match. It is like an electronic playground for car lovers or something. There is just so much to see and do in GT4.
Based on impressions, though, GT4's actual driving model is simply a lot better. Forza doesn't sound too terribly impressive. Add in the 30 fps, you have something that is even less appealing. Inferior physics, controls, and framerate are pretty big deals...and that isn't even touching on all of the other features.
The target is for 30 frames per second, with the developers saying that the game’s full screen anti-aliasing was more important than 60fps.
Redbeard said:Like I said, GT4 has quanity; it's got more cars, more tracks, more licenses, etc... .
In terms of features and attention to detail, Forza has performance affecting damage modelling, a higher degree of customization (from engine swapping to custom paint jobs), "Drivatars", and other smaller details like paint scraping off onto walls and car parts that litter the tracks.
Inferior physics and control? I'd like to see some impressions that state this, as I must have missed them. In fact, here is a quote from IGN Cars on the E3 demo:
"This is one of the most accurate physics models we have ever seen in a racing game, even beating out GT."
DaCocoBrova said:Console devs are dumb.
You would think that the lesson has been learned. Fuck AA--just give me a nicely textured, well lit, solid 60 fps racer.
The comments on how realistic it looks (when compared to GT4), I believe, have nothing to do with the modelling/texturing itself, but more with the lighting engine. They need to tweak that lighting to make it look more realistic.
Fight for Freeform said:Do you have any specifc suggestions as far as lighting goes? I may be missing something.
The way I look at it now is that the lighting is only nitpick would be that the overall contrast has to be increased. If you look at a game like GT3/4, the lighting is very basic, and it relies on a lot of texturing. Plus like I said the textures look hand-drawn, not scanned/digitized like in GT4.
Take a look at the lighting of the stands in the's great. The underside of the roof gets darker as it gets further back, and the shadows by the beams look good. The white tent-like structure to it's right has a shadow on it. It's either really fancy texturing (baked on lighting) or it has a lightmap at a great resolution.
Redbeard said:Inferior physics and control? I'd like to see some impressions that state this, as I must have missed them. In fact, here is a quote from IGN Cars on the E3 demo:
"This is one of the most accurate physics models we have ever seen in a racing game, even beating out GT."
IJoel said:Actually I should've been clearer. The lighting is pretty good, but the overall ambient tones make the game looks, well, like a game. Take a look at this GT4 pic and you'll see what I mean:
Blimblim said:The car looks good it's true enough, but what about the roadside ? The trees just kill anything you could like to say about photorealism. The buildings texture is not much better either. It has a plastic like look you get when you use textures from photographs and have a restricted palette (shenmue is the best example of that).
Blimblim said:The car looks good it's true enough, but what about the roadside ? The trees just kill anything you could like to say about photorealism. The buildings texture is not much better either. It has a plastic like look you get when you use textures from photographs and have a restricted palette (shenmue is the best example of that).
AlphaSnake said:Which was said by one of the Xbox writers. Quote has no credibility.
dark10x said:The thing is, in motion, that doesn't actually matter as the backgrounds end up looking GREAT. The single biggest flaw with GT3 and 4 visuals would be the trees. I don't understand why they continue to use those ugly trees. I suppose they are trying to emulate reality, but they just end up looking bad. Everything else is tops, though.
m0dus said:Yeah, 'cause, you know, we all know how GREAT an environment E3 is for getting solid impressions of works-in-progress.