So it's finally come to this...
I'm in World 5, at the Temple of Darkness, and I'm at this part where you have to wack these moles, and on the other side of this block barrier, two stones go down so you can walk through. Now, the only way to GET to that side is to leave with all four players. Yet when I do that, everything resets in the next room. I'm playing in two player mode, if that matters.
Oh, and I checked GameFAQs, but the guy didn't know how to get past that in multi.
EDIT: Nevermind, I got it.
I'm in World 5, at the Temple of Darkness, and I'm at this part where you have to wack these moles, and on the other side of this block barrier, two stones go down so you can walk through. Now, the only way to GET to that side is to leave with all four players. Yet when I do that, everything resets in the next room. I'm playing in two player mode, if that matters.
Oh, and I checked GameFAQs, but the guy didn't know how to get past that in multi.
EDIT: Nevermind, I got it.