W Wario64 works for Gamestop (lol) Jul 7, 2004 #1 http://a388.g.akamai.net/7/388/1603/0001/www.freebizmag.com/emailgametips01welcome.htm Enjoy kiddies
B belgurdo Banned Jul 7, 2004 #2 Love that mag (even though GameFAQs and the odd good Prima guide render it obsolete.)
J Justin Bailey ------ ------ Jul 7, 2004 #4 Thanks, they have some cool stuff sometimes. I've read a good interview with Miyamoto from them in an airport once. He said something like "Sorry my newer games haven't had many secrets in them!" or something :lol
Thanks, they have some cool stuff sometimes. I've read a good interview with Miyamoto from them in an airport once. He said something like "Sorry my newer games haven't had many secrets in them!" or something :lol
F FortNinety Member Jul 7, 2004 #6 I don't read the mag very often, but still like it alot. Used to be a big fan of Video Games Magazine, or whatever it was called which Tips and Tricks sprung forth from.
I don't read the mag very often, but still like it alot. Used to be a big fan of Video Games Magazine, or whatever it was called which Tips and Tricks sprung forth from.
O ohamsie Member Jul 7, 2004 #7 Bleah, I keep getting error 502s, the server is busy. I'll try again later.