No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!

Rough translation. Correct me if I'm wrong
Ver 1.10
- Volunteer co-op via internet play
- Enemy territory invasion volunteer- New volunteer mission to attack other PTs, allowing you to affect their GDPP
- Proof of volunteer completion (for unlocking SP volunteer clear status if the mission was cleared in MP, allowing you to progress in SP story through MP)
- Added the need to unlock story cut scene video logs through rights
- Added an original movie set slightly before the game's story (requires certain amount of story progression)
- New tutorials - additional ibara tutorials, one on basic action and one on special abilities
- Ability to change names (found on the wall menu)
Additional settings added to option menu (camera speed, amount of zoom when aiming, voice chat vol, chat use text options, lock on settings, configuring volunteer launch options)- Added individual Togabito rankings
- Added new rights to unlock for those who have reduced their sentence to 0 years
- Added more decals for the 47 prefectures
- Added new accessories that require insane amounts of points to unlock (100k and up)
- Added ability to free allies from the spider's net through melee attacks
- Added the ability to change the voice of your Accessory (content will be released as DLC in the future)
- Added text chat messages and emotions
- Allied NPC AI balancing
- Enemy togabito AI balancing
- Adjustments to a variety of parameters
- Other bug fixes
They didn't elaborate on the bug fixes
Up next, 4v4 PvP and ideological warfare(??)

The game is a battle action game, and will feature online and offline multiplayer functionality, both co-operative and competitive, for up to eight players. The game will also make use of the Vita's built-in GPS functionality, near. The game features a whip called the "thorn" that the player can use to zip across the battlefield and pull giant monsters to the ground.
The game features a system known as the City-State War Mode, where players are separated into 47 Panopticons, with each representing one of Japan's 47 prefectures. Each Panopticon competes with the others in development, where players set out to seek natural resources and invade other Panopticons. Developed Panopticons have the capability to place other ones under their control, and leaderboards will be used to compare each City-State. Within this mode, criminals fight amongst themselves.
Players collect resources known as abductor parts. Those who contribute to their Panopticon are rewarded with accessory customisation. Voices triggered during the game can be customised. The game will feature text-to-speech functionality for communication between players in multiplayer games.
Weapons are categorised into six groups, namely small swords, large swords, spears, personal firearms, multipurpose firearms, and squad support firearms. Weapons feature varying degrees of rarity, and players are able to equip two simultaneously, whilst Accessories are able to equip one.
*Disclaimer - Taken from Wikipedia

Freedom Wars takes place on Earth, in the year 102013. The world surface lies in ruins and is no longer capable of supporting life. As such, humans live in underground cities called "Panopticons", where they struggle to research how to be able to live on the surface once more. Overpopulation has become such an issue that the Panopticons have implenented a drastic measure: anyone arrested for any crime is found guilty, regardless of whether or not they actually are; and forced to battle giant monsters called "Abductors" as punishment. Defeating the Abductors, which are known to capture civilians, reduces the Criminals' sentences, which start at 1,000,000 years.
*Disclaimer - Taken from Wikipedia

- 4 player co-op with AI partners making for 8 characters on the screen at once via adhoc.
- 8 player head 2 head combat after infrastructure mode patch.
- 3 categories of melee & ranged weapons each, broken down into sub categories.
- 3 different variations of the "Thorn" equipment, which is a main feature of the game system. Capture, Defensive, Support.
- High speed movement possible using the "Thorn" system to latch onto objects and other characters and pull yourself towards them.
- Accessory AI partner is fully customizable. Also customization of phrases they say in game is possible using a text to speech synthetic voice system. (No idea how trying to make them say words in English will sound)
- Player characters can be further customized with decals available in the game and as dlc / special bonuses with physical items purchased, such as the special Famitsu edition of the game.
- Win special items from the regional rankings. One example of an awarded prize was the hoverboard from the demo version.

- Capture and control more zones than the enemy
- Search and rescue civilians that were left behind on the battlefield
- Rescue civilians from enemy abductors
- Escort and prevent enemies from grabbing civilians from allied abductors
- Eliminate all enemies
- Reach the target destination in the field
- Collect the required amount of resources from the field
- Eliminate the target
- Rescue the accessory that was abducted

*Updated 06/29/2014

A: Its part of the "hunting action" genre, which is up to 4 players co-op with your AI partners making for 8 characters at once. (4 human w/ 4 AI partners). Though what differentiates this title from others such as Monster Hunter, God Eater would be how the game is designed and the thorn system that allows for movement in a 3 dimensional space by allowing the player to attach / pull themselves towards any valid object. Mission designs also allow for players to complete the mission just by rescuing a target, so it wont always be a constant kill everything type of deal which is what happens with most of the other titles in the genre.Q: What type of game is this?
A: The game is designed to be played single player through the story and you will have AI story characters along with your AI partner the "Accessory" making it far easier to play solo. While this game will not have infrastructure (internet) play from the get go, here at GAF there should be a pretty strong community and am sure it will be easy to set up games with others who would be more than happy to help.Q: Im new to these type of co-op action titles, should I buy this game?
A: Yep! The Physical version will work no problem, though if you dont have a JP PSN account you will be unable to get DLC. Patches should work even without a JP PSN account. For the digital version you will not only need a JP PSN account, but also JP PSN cards to purchase the game.Q: Does this game work on a non Japanese PS Vita?
A: Not exactly, but at the same time it would help or else you wouldnt know what the skill / item effects are along with mission objectives. Then there is the whole missing out on the story part too... But if you just want a well made game to play on the Vita, this title would be an excellent choice.Q: Do I need to know Japanese to play this game?
A: It has been announced, but I dont think we have an official date yet. At least the game will be cheaper for you folks in the US. I recall them saying it will be around 30 USD?Q: Any word on localization for the West?
A: While I have no idea who these guys are at nihongo gamer, just watch this video. Am sure if you ask here too other GAF members will be more than happy to help out with info.Q: How do I make a Japanese PSN account on my PS Vita?

I've found this useful wiki page where you can check where a material you need is given as a quest reward.
Another good wiki:
Here's a page I found, just in case anyone needs it;
Shows how to make the strongest weap, and also how to get 特大 on everything. Hope it helps !
I've found out where to get the 5 modules item, enjoy !
This damn website seems to have everything from making tonnes of money to making super strong weapons and the like. I'll keep linking as I find them.
*Disclaimer: Neither GAF nor myself has any sort of affiliation with the following sites above. These are just the most common ones members frequently speak of when it comes to online import shops and these links are for the convenience of the members who are still interested in importing the Japanese or Asian version of the game. Mods if you feel this is inappropriate let me know and will remove this section.

Thanks goes out to Sony Computer Entertainment Japan for the resources used to make up the graphics in this OT.
Thanks to the dafont website for having an awesome selection of fonts to download and use, plus to the creators of the fonts used.
Ray Larabie of Typerdermic Fonts for his Gunplay font.
Thanks to 月宮 from pixiv for the artwork of the Propaganda Idols used below. (slight editing done with adding in the names at the bottom.
Thanks to the Freedom Wars Wikipedia entry. Saved me a lot of time using the game / story desc text from there.
*Have no official affiliation to SCEJ,, Mr. Larabie, 月宮, pixiv or Wikipedia.

Special thanks to all of those in the Freedom Wars Demo Impression Thread by Hasemo. Thanks to him making that thread, bought me time to get the OT finished lol. Also good info in there which some was used here, such as the Volunteer Mission Types. Thanks again to Hasemo and warningjab for contributing to the useful information section with JP wiki links. Thanks to Anko for the rough translations of the 1.10 patch info!

*click on image to watch video
Cony's solo song. "Panopticon Work Song"

Opti's solo song. "Nananana"

Panna's song. "Ibara Lullabye"
(no YT link yet...)