Actually he says 'wants' to use.
Would you say, his goal is to use 5GB of ram?
Actually he says 'wants' to use.
The article sounds like nonsense. There is no way that the OS is going to reserve that much memory for itself. They added the RAM at the behest of a developer making a comment about needing more RAM, so they aren't going to essentially give the developers that same amount of RAM, but maybe a gig or a gig and a half more to play with and take up the rest with the OS. Sony has never had an elaborate OS and their OS has been in development for a long-time with 4 GB in mind... so how is it over the course of a few months that they magically reimagined their OS to triple in size if it was originally using 1 GB? That doesn't sound feasible in any manner.
Hahaha if this is true, MS comes out with the death strike. Removes mandatory Kinect and charges $299.
I called it! I knew 1GB was utter bullshit when they first reported that. Everything Sony has been doing has been nothing but PR stunts just to 1up MS this year. Nothing but Knee Jerk reactions. Eventually the truth was bound to surface.
Would you say, his goal was to use 5GB of ram?
I really wish people would stop with this bs reasoning.
You know, if you roll back the years games didn't use more than 128 MB of ram either....
People freaking out over something that will change over time lol.
That actually has very less to do with this. More RAM cannot just miraculously increase graphical fidelity. Besides all those games haven't gone gold yet so it's a bit premature to judge them.So that's why drive club, knack and watch dogs look and perform the way they do.
When did they report 1GB?
For a modern console OS I was expecting 2 gigs.
1 gig sounds like it's not enough for the features already presented to us while still being snappy.
I called it! I knew 1GB was utter bullshit when they first reported that. Everything Sony has been doing has been nothing but PR stunts just to 1up MS this year. Nothing but Knee Jerk reactions. Eventually the truth was bound to surface.
How can Sony 1UP MS when they were first? Dude.. Go to bed. Sleep
When did they report 1GB?
lol The Wall of Shame is going to have some choice quotes tonight.
Could you please elaborate as to why this is good news? Copy and paste from your older comments if you want, but I'm interested.I've been saying that this would be the case for months, and that it completely makes sense and is a good thing. Don't be upset about this "news" -- it is the right decision on Sony's part.
Hahaha if this is true, MS comes out with the death strike. Removes mandatory Kinect and charges $299.
I find this hard to believe. Sony is normally really good about their OS's having low RAM footprints. This just seems like a titanic waste from them. Which is not something to have been doing in awhile. The VITA OS is a prime example of this, it's silky smooth and still has a very small RAM footprint. I'll wait for a more legitimate source. 3.5 GBs reserved for the OS is ridiculous. MS is running 3 OS's with less RAM than that.
All this drama base on a rumor. Must be a slow news day.
What was Sony's statement on the matter they were waiting for?
Given recent failings on the tech info front from Eurogamer/DF I think I'd like to read something official about this before taking it as fact.
This is fucking dumb, I am no developer or designer. Many features we take for granted now people could simply not have asked for/thought of before hand, this applies for everythjng not just this dumb argument you are posing for the PS4 os. Before the iphone you could have posed the same question to people "what more could you want out of a phone" and they would not think of "no keys just a single capactive screen and touch os with a home button". How do you expect me to come up with whatever features the OS may implement in the future. Why did I even bother answering this.
Since when?
I'm talking about MS' snap feature, IE 2 appsgames on screen at once.
The PS4 has fast task switching, but I've never seen it do multi tasking.
Since when?
I'm talking about MS' snap feature, IE 2 appsgames on screen at once.
The PS4 has fast task switching, but I've never seen it do multi tasking.
Yes, we know it's not a mind blowing concept, but the question is what warrants the scale of the increase? These systems aren't going to be doing any multitasking that's any more taxing than what tablets/smartphones do with around 1 GB these days and since Sony was already planning some degree of multitasking with games at the original 512 MB allotment, what does the extra 3 GB allegedly allotted now bring?Of course the system can already multitask with 512mb. If you increase to 3.5 it means you can be running more things that are individually moire memory intensive. It means they can run things that take up more memory simultaneously. This isn't some sort of mind blowing concept that requires years of careful planning.
After reading the article, seems like Sony puts a high OS footprint as a saftey net for system main OS operations. It can be reduced later as they did with PS3 once the OS mature enough.
Not bad at all....I can see PS4 using up to 6 gigs for games later in its lifecycle.
Just that he didn't know what the hell he was talking about and swallowed a ton of techno-babble hook, line, and sinker. None of the numbers he used made sense relative to known specs, and the techniques he referred to aren't some magic tricks only viable on XB1.
Kind of like this article, where he's clearly using the old KZ slides to make his argument, even though he's claiming his info comes from a "post memory bump SDK".
What you need to assume in order to believe this article are the following things:
1. That Leadbetter actually has a clue this time (dubious).
2. That Jon Blow and company, a self confessed small little team doing very little memory optimization, have somehow already tapped into over half of this "extra" memory pool for The Witness.
3. That Sony is spending ~$40-$50 more per unit for almost nothing but OS memory footprint.
4. That Sony has completely rebuilt their OS within the last few months to go from a 512MB OS to a 3.5GB OS.
5. That Adam Boyes was full of shit when he said they met developer demands for 8GB (this demand confirmed by noted self promoter Randy Pitchford, who likely has seen final SDK docs).
So yeah. We'll see what the actual number is, but the likelihood that Eurogamer of all publications are 100% right is pretty damn slim.
I'm sure they are. MS is using a tiny hyper visor to control the game and windows OSs, and I'm sure PS4 is using something similar -- although not the same, as MSs is a special version of hyper-v, a Microsft product. Three separate OSs is probably not a very accurate term for either, though. MSs hyper visor is coded to the metal and presumably Sony's would be too.Is the PS4 using 3 separate OS's as well? I seriously can't fucking imagine 3gigs being required for anything else.
Correct, it's a feature exclusive to the XBOX ONE.
Don't even try.Smokey has a point, the RAM allocation is used as a negative in every PS4/X1 thread and now there are people defending Sony doing the same thing. This kind of stuff happens on message boards.
This is like your exact post from the other thread. Are you a parody account?
I called it! I knew 1GB was utter bullshit when they first reported that. Everything Sony has been doing has been nothing but PR stunts just to 1up MS this year. Nothing but Knee Jerk reactions. Eventually the truth was bound to surface.
Wasting DDR3 is not the same as wasting GDDR5, dissapointed that Sony did not focused those resources for games. This seems out of line from what they were placing the PS4 to be.
I'm tempted to switch now..
Seriously. People amaze me.You really want to be on the wall of shame twice in a row with almost the same exact post as the last thread?
Well Well looks like Xbox One isn't so week after all. Sony now has 4.5 gigs of memory for gaming. Xbox One has 5 gigs plus 32 mb of the fastest ram available for gaming. Poor PS4.
I really wish people would stop with this bs reasoning.
You know, if you roll back the years games didn't use more than 128 MB of ram either....
Survivor Gabon I believe.What's the source of this gif.