Alex Connolly

Developer: Mode 7 Games
Platform: PC / Mac - Steam
Genre: Strategy
Target Audience: Neckbeards, Fratboys and all in between.
Kieron Gillen said:In fact...Im tempted to say something like Indie-strategys answer to StarCraft 2.
Fancy something a little different? Have a hankering to get your Laser Squad Nemesis on? Are you one of those folks who wanted an entire game made from the original Rainbow Six's planning phase? Well, look no further. Independent developer Mode 7 Games are here to save you from the gaming doldrums with Frozen Synapse. A squad-centric tactical turn-based game with a heavy emphasis on asynchronous multiplayer/Play By Email. Take your troops, plot out their moves within five-second timeframes, execute the order and watch as your plan goes up against your opponent.
Think you're a heavyweight in Counterstrike? The bees knees in Call of Duty? Convert those reflexes and instinct into delegating strategic squad actions and see if you're truly the gunslinger you claim to be. Headshot? How about head SPACE!? You'll need more than a popped collar and the reassuring backslap of your bros to see you make it to the next round.
The perfect five-minute coffee-break game or something to mull over like a true tactician. Have one game or multiple on the go. A slew of modes, ranging from deathmatch to hostage, territory control to a barbaric firearm form of making a touchdown. Play against the ruthless AI or take it online and challenge friend and stranger alike. Five unit types with distinct and tactical capabilities. Learn their limits and skills, then combine effectively to spill the blood of your foes, lest they spill yours.
It's not only about growing a set, it's about growing a brain as well.
- Unique simultaneous-turn-based gameplay
- Multiplayer Modes: Hostage Rescue, Disputed, Secure (bidding-based mode), Extermination (light/dark), Charge
- Single player Modes: Campaign, Skirmish, Puzzle
- Hand-crafted maps, random map generator, map editor
- Community features: Friend List, rate and comment on games, Personal Feed, Daily and Global Rankings, Instant Matchmaking
- One-click match export to YouTube
- Slick, modern UI to make planning simple and intuitive
- Evocative music and audio by electronic musician nervous_testpilot
- Facebook and Twitter integration
Official Site
Matrix Games
System Requirements
OS Requirements: Windows XP, Vista, 7
Ram: 512MB
Processor/Gfx card: will run on low-end modern hardware (e.g. netbooks)
OS Requirements: OSX Leopard or later
Ram: 512MB
Processor/Gfx card: 1GHZ PowerPC (or Intel)
Kieron Gillen / Rock, Paper, Shotgun
Its basically the logical collision between Laser Squad Nemesis, Poker and Contract Bridge, complete with a beautiful post-Introversion retro-future aesthetic. Plus tiny flashes of Worms and classic-era Rainbow Six. And other stuff.
...and the games Ive played are enough to make me want to play more. In fact, need to play more. The main reason Im writing it as effusively as I am, is a note to self. If theres someone like me out there, he or she would want to get in on this early.
James Allen / Out of Eight
While the price is on the high end of the indie spectrum, the gameplay is well worth it; find a friend and each pitch in $13 and you're good to go. I've been playing and enjoying this game immensely, and it's not even done yet. Overall, I am very, very pleased and quite enamored with what Ive seen so far: its more entertaining than a lot of finished games...
Alec Meer / Eurogamer
This is a game about crushing your enemy, punching the air and breathlessly bragging about how clever you are. It is not a game about hiding behind a wall for 48 turns. In a way, it capitalises on the new movement towards turn-based indie gaming, headed up by Solium Infernum and Neptune's Pride, but the fact that it's so quick to learn, quick to play and quick to reward or punish means it could well attract the horde. And so it should - the current beta build needs a little spit and polish, but it is still a shiny diamond of a thing. There's no question that it's taking action-strategy to a much-needed new place.
bit-gamer - 95/100
Ill just say that Frozen Synapse is the most moreish and brilliant game Ive played in years. Its responsible for me dreaming in shades of blue for the last three nights running and I wouldnt have it any other way.
Edge - 9/10
Clinical yet chaotic, Mode7's game of tactics is a multiplayer masterpiece.
Eurogamer - 9/10
Frozen Synapse takes the old, the stuffy and the traditionally glacial and it makes it brand new, instant and brutal. It's such an achievement.
Honest Gamers - 9/10
A superb effort, crafted with such immaculate precision despite the obviously low budget behind it. This is the best indie game of the year so far.
Out of Eight - 8/8
Everyone even remotely interested in tactical games should immediately start playing Frozen Synapse.
Teaser Trailer
Official Pre-Order Trailer
Promo Trailer
Giant Bomb Quicklook

Frozen Synapse Official Site
Mode 7 Games Blog
iTunes Mode 7 Games Podcast "Visiting The Village" (currently on hiatus due to FS development)
Ian Hardingham (Mode 7 Games head developer, co-founder) Twitter
Paul Taylor (Mode 7 Games co-founder, Creative Director, Music Master) Twitter
Frozen Synapse Facebook
GAF Combatants
(GAF Name / FS Name )
Pylon_Trooper / Pylon_Command
Joseph Merrick / Divebomb
Mailman 007 / Mailman007
Primate Ryan / Primate_Ryan
archnemesis / archnemesis
Moobabe / Moobs
ChaoticEko / ChaoticEko
Brobzoid / Brobzoid
The_Player / The_Player
NIN90 / NIN90
Nabs / Nabs
Toma / TomaLexi
The_Super_Inframan / Schnitzelfee
Almyn / Lynas
Shahadan / Shahadan
InfectedZero / InfectedZero
snoopeasystreet / snoopeasystreet
Sectus / Sectus
Drkirby / Drkirby
Unicorn / Yagya
blazinglazers / friggles
SteveWinwood / Hasmedaoa
GAF, it's time to dominate. Five seconds at a time. By email. And to end on a tongue-in-cheek slice of acerbic logic:
James Allen said:If you like tactical strategy games and don't already own Frozen Synapse, you are dumb.