Last Saturday, I was walking with my girlfriend on the beach, and while I was talking, I started losing track of whatever I was saying, and then it was like the inside of my mouth started convulsing and I couldn't talk anymore for about 15 seconds. It was painful to not being able to speak, and to have gone through more than a second of not being able to control myself. When it disappeared, I pretty much shrugged it off although it concerned me for the rest of the day.
Now today, I was talking to someone on the phone, and the same kind of thing happened, only I was able to speak, only I was incredibly dizzy and disoriented. Also, I had this kind of head-rush, as if the pressure in my head doubled.
I'm thinking I should go to the hospital. There's a history of epilepsy in my family. Fuck, we even have Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. Hey lady, want a baby with neurological disorders? Come fuck me!! Anyway, one more thing, I looked for a site with flashing lights, such as the Japanese Robots one, and I couldn't look at it without having intense pain in my neck and head. My friend tells me I won't be able to play video games if I have epilepsy. That would ruin a part of my life
Now today, I was talking to someone on the phone, and the same kind of thing happened, only I was able to speak, only I was incredibly dizzy and disoriented. Also, I had this kind of head-rush, as if the pressure in my head doubled.
I'm thinking I should go to the hospital. There's a history of epilepsy in my family. Fuck, we even have Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. Hey lady, want a baby with neurological disorders? Come fuck me!! Anyway, one more thing, I looked for a site with flashing lights, such as the Japanese Robots one, and I couldn't look at it without having intense pain in my neck and head. My friend tells me I won't be able to play video games if I have epilepsy. That would ruin a part of my life