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"I think we had really explored a lot of what made sense in the Half-Life universe and setting," Riller said. Writer Marc Laidlaw echoed that feeling, noting that even Arkane was struggling to do new things in its canceled Ravenholm spin-off.
When Left 4 Dead needed help shipping, the Episode 3 team paused work on the next Half-Life campaign to pitch in, and like a hobby woodworking project that gets put down for just a moment and winds up collecting dust for decades, that was its ultimate demise.
Engineer David Speyrer says that it was "tragic and almost comical" that, after Left 4 Dead was out the door, they felt like they'd missed their opportunity to finish Episode 3 and needed to make a new engine if they were going to continue the series.
"That just seems in hindsight so wrong," Speyrer said. "We could've definitely gone back and spent two years to make Episode 3."