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Welcome to the GAF Justice League, a fantasy football league where we wager something much more valuable than money: our pride and honor!
GJL 1:
Corporate Peezy, LLC (Future Foundation)
First Name Russell... (The Int3rsect)
Foster, Texian for Beer (lastflowers)
I'm sorry 4 beating you (youngplaya21)
Oa Green Llamas (WedgeX)
Only Goodell Forgives (Vyer)
Only Human (ErasureAcer)
Pondering Deep Thoughts (krpiper)
Stonking Great Hits (Clobersaurus15)
Straw Hat Pirates (Jayhawk)
Stupendous Men LM (Arkos)
Team GiLL (GiLL7486)
Aaron's Pistol Offense(smokeymicpot)
Aye Aye Kaep'N (Rawr its Ry)
The Blue Bombers (BroBuzz)
Bonethug's Skullcrackers (Bonethug)
Chip Chip Chipadelphia (Notrollious)
Doof United (darkiguana)
Moe Money Moe Problems (Coldplay619)
The Rooks LM (ferny)
Team Boss (LQX)
Team D(Impaler)
Team Eric Fantas y Team Greatjob (arab)
Anthrax Letterbombs (Brimstone)
Bad With Names (Teptom)
Butt Fumblers (DarkFlow)
Deimon Devil Bats (Jamie OD)
Great Gronkapotamus (Alligatorjandro)
password is taco (Zod the Bear)
Putin Karate Chop (SleazyC)
Stevan Ridley Fuckin Sucks (Rob N Banks)
Team Cooks (PhoenixPause)
TSF Mad Dogs (Rekwest)
Victory Strikes Again (SuicideUZI)
Team Farmer (not a GAFFer)
Please feel free to continue making suggestions about the settings so that we get it right.
The Lore Trophy (championship)
The Sacko (last place)
The Bono (runner up)
AFK (play a player on a bye week)
The "GOB" (make a huge mistake)
Combo Breaker (break a 3+ win streak)
Savvy (incredible foresight and strategy)
Beast Mode (incredible point scoring)
Bastard Trophy/Hosed (win/lose a game you should have lost/won)
Best Team Name (awarded to "Foster, Texian for Bier" and "Only Goodell Forgives")
A New Start/ANUSTART (break your 3 game loss streak/lose 3 in a row)
Epic Fail (in case anybody does something awesomely stupid)
Weekly High/Low

GJL 1:
Corporate Peezy, LLC (Future Foundation)
First Name Russell... (The Int3rsect)
Foster, Texian for Beer (lastflowers)
I'm sorry 4 beating you (youngplaya21)
Oa Green Llamas (WedgeX)
Only Goodell Forgives (Vyer)
Only Human (ErasureAcer)
Pondering Deep Thoughts (krpiper)
Stonking Great Hits (Clobersaurus15)
Straw Hat Pirates (Jayhawk)
Stupendous Men LM (Arkos)
Team GiLL (GiLL7486)

Aaron's Pistol Offense(smokeymicpot)
Aye Aye Kaep'N (Rawr its Ry)
The Blue Bombers (BroBuzz)
Bonethug's Skullcrackers (Bonethug)
Chip Chip Chipadelphia (Notrollious)
Doof United (darkiguana)
Moe Money Moe Problems (Coldplay619)
The Rooks LM (ferny)
Team Boss (LQX)
Team D(Impaler)
Team Eric Fantas y Team Greatjob (arab)

Anthrax Letterbombs (Brimstone)
Bad With Names (Teptom)
Butt Fumblers (DarkFlow)
Deimon Devil Bats (Jamie OD)
Great Gronkapotamus (Alligatorjandro)
password is taco (Zod the Bear)
Putin Karate Chop (SleazyC)
Stevan Ridley Fuckin Sucks (Rob N Banks)
Team Cooks (PhoenixPause)
TSF Mad Dogs (Rekwest)
Victory Strikes Again (SuicideUZI)
Team Farmer (not a GAFFer)
Please feel free to continue making suggestions about the settings so that we get it right.
The Lore Trophy (championship)

The Sacko (last place)

The Bono (runner up)

AFK (play a player on a bye week)

The "GOB" (make a huge mistake)

Combo Breaker (break a 3+ win streak)
Savvy (incredible foresight and strategy)
Beast Mode (incredible point scoring)
Bastard Trophy/Hosed (win/lose a game you should have lost/won)
Best Team Name (awarded to "Foster, Texian for Bier" and "Only Goodell Forgives")
A New Start/ANUSTART (break your 3 game loss streak/lose 3 in a row)
Epic Fail (in case anybody does something awesomely stupid)
Weekly High/Low