Nose how to spell and rede to

(2013 GJL thread)
Links to 2014 leagues
Why hello there everyone. Your benevolent overlord Arkos here. It has been a long time. I hope I find you well. It is good to see you.
UPDATE 9/1: It's on like Donkey Kong fuckers
As we approach our second season (and the first to utilize our unique, innovative, forward-thinking, outside-the-box, synergistic, tiered league system inspired by European football) we take a moment to pause. We reflect on the AFK's we have lost. We marvel at the champions of our inaugural season. And, we prepare for another season of brutality, hatred, and unfairness.
It looks like last year's rules will be changing, but here is what will stay the same
1. Playoffs
6 teams, division winners get a bye, one-week games.
2. Promotion and Relegation
Top 4 teams move up (thus, division winners automatically move up, if you've been paying attention). Middle 4 teams stay where they are. Bottom 4 teams move down. Obviously if you're in the Premiere League you can't move up, and if you're in League 3 you can't move down.
3. Tie Breakers
Record > Head-to-Head Record > Points For. If you can break that, then congratulations.
4. Trophies
Premiere League winner - Lore Trophy
GJL2 winner - Bish Trophy (design pending)
GJL3 winner - hot meal (kidding, suggestions are welcome. Blamespace trophy?)
Second place gets the Bono. AFK's get the computer dog. We also have a chicken in case someone makes a huge mistake.
5. AFK
3 strikes and you're out.gif
6. Draft
Draft is the Sunday August 31st evening (EST) after the last preseason game.
(asterisk is LM)
Gaming Division
Straw Hat Pirates [Jayhawk]
Ayahuasca Shamans [ErasureAcer]
Putin Karate Chop [SleazyC]
Chip's Ahoy [Omega Rex]
Corporate Peezy LLC [Future Foundation]
BT's Skullcrackers [Bonethug]
OT Divison
Chip United [Notrollious]
The GRONK [iAmMaximus]
50 shades of Forte [lastflowers]
Mo Honey Mo Problems [Teptom]
FrankGoreWaifuPillow [Rawr its Ry]
Beats by Ray [youngplaya21] *
Gaming Division
Blair Walsh Project [smokeymicpot]
Stonking Great Hits [Clobersaurus]
Fletcher [Fletcher]
OGF [Vyer]
Rabid Lobsters [Mazre]
Stupendous Men [Arkos] *
OT Division
Cunning Creepers [SuicideUZI]
Welker Texas Ranger [DarkFlow]
Eli's Red Bucket [LQX]
Jammy Gits [Jamie OD]
AP's Switch [OJdaKiller]
Sangreal's Team [sangreal]
Gaming Division
Team Dutti [Dabushman]
Doof United [darkiguana]
dammitmattt lives!!! [CouldBeWorse]
ShinRPGamer F.C. [ShinRPGamer]
kelika beasts [kelik]
Password is Taco [GK86] *
OT Division
Toronto Maple Leafs [Samyy]
Blahoholics [cr_blah_blah]
ccb fan Team of ??? [ccbfan]
Turd Blossoms [Texfan]
Aldon's Airlines [thebigmanjosh]
Irritable Bowe Syndrome [Rudakus]
On-Deck Circle
[Arkos' friend]
That about does it my friends.
I look forward to winning ALL OF THE LEAGUES. Let the shit talking and relentless hatred begin.