Wellington said:Jesus Christ...
Fifty: Thursday night happens to be the ONLY time during the whole weekend in which I am busy, and it's uncancellable or moveable. (Read: Bitches and liquor) Any other time at ALL would be good.
Fifty said:Hmmm, well this doesn't look good. Ok....any other time AT ALL...that would have to be friday afternoon or morning, before 4:00. Otherwise we're going to have to do a coin toss.
DMczaf said:I did a Best of 5 coin flip with HG/Fifty's game and Fifty ended up winning 3-1. Sucks that HG couldn't play this week, but since I can now change results I really didn't want any ties so I stole FMT's coin flip and made it better. FMT is BCS, and I'm the tournament!
Fifty said:Whew! I'm really glad that I won the coin flip.......... considering that HG gave me the winanyway, now I've got to really earn my pay, CK..I'm still on for 2.
Fifty said:I probably should have. You know what's worse than your favorite team only playing hard for one quarter? When the same thing happens to you, you have one play to tie it, you lose....and it all comes down to one of my high-rated guards being pushed over (I can't see the replay to confirm) by an average DT of yours like a piece of paper. Ridiculous... Oh well, I managed one of the best comebacks, and I called the right play, my line just decided not to work on that down. I guess that's fair, because I didn't really play well from quarters 1-3. Maybe the game was punishing meAll those dropped picks...one user, at least 2 CPU. A lost fumble. All meaningless really, since I had one play to tie it, and things didn't go as planned. I wouldn't be pissed if you got me Strahan, but for that guy to just bowl over my line...that wasn't right.
Good game though. Even though I don't like losing, I'll be a man and admit that it was a match worth playing, and you didn't do anything wrong.
Fifty said:What happened? Who did you play? I didn't see anyone else on after our game...
Wellington said:You mentioned that the roster update improved WR speeds across the board, is that true? Can anyone confirm?
What I do know is that the Jag DBs aren't bad, and the Bucs WRs aren't that good.
Matrix said:Hey Hg why dont you wait and get a new xbox after this weeks game :lol You dont really need to play me,I mean since you beat me before *no fun in beating me twice*,I think a free win would be pretty sweet![]()
Matrix said:HG,you around? I'll wait around till 11:30 in the madden lobby but I cant stay up any longer,I have to get up early to hang out with my family :|
If I get some free time before 7:00 pm eastern time tomorrow I'll make sure to post here and we can get the game on before then if you are on.We can get the game in anytime past 7 pm eastern time tomorrow night if you dont show tonight.
Fifty said:The link isn't on this computer. Someone want to hook me up or simply tell me who I face?
Matrix said:Ummmm fuckkking A.....I think 5 mins after I posted that message I went to log onto xbox live and I couldnt get on :\ I then came back onto the internet and it was down,friggin f-ing roadrunner....I havent been able to get on since 6:45 or something like that >_<
Hg you still around? Ughhhh.
Ck,Yea I can play tomorrow night at 9 as long as my internet doesnt go down...wtf![]()
Wellington said:You play DM.
Fifty said:Thanks, DM, tell me what time is good for you. And no, not on AIM ;p
Fifty said:It advances tonight, right? Well I can play after the Raptors game ends. That will be around 10:30-11 eastern. I'll post here right before I go on. Damn you and your vague answers DM, tell me this time is good.