I saw that one retro GBA commercial and now I want to get one that looks like the old NES and get some of the NES classics.
Anyway, what are your favorite games...and/or the best ones out there? Here are the ones I know of and would like to get also, do you have any more reccommendations?
Advanced Wars
Advanced Wars 2
Metriod Fusion
Metriod Zero Mission
Then the Classics:
Excite Bike
Super Mario Bros.
Donkey Kong
Also, anybody have Sega Rally, Collin McRae 2.0 or V-Rally 3? I've played V-Rally 3, but I heard those other two are contenders as well.
What else is worth checking out? RPGs, racing, sports, platformers...anything!
Anyway, what are your favorite games...and/or the best ones out there? Here are the ones I know of and would like to get also, do you have any more reccommendations?
Advanced Wars
Advanced Wars 2
Metriod Fusion
Metriod Zero Mission
Then the Classics:
Excite Bike
Super Mario Bros.
Donkey Kong
Also, anybody have Sega Rally, Collin McRae 2.0 or V-Rally 3? I've played V-Rally 3, but I heard those other two are contenders as well.
What else is worth checking out? RPGs, racing, sports, platformers...anything!