Stat Flow said:Where the fuck is Cliffy. I want to know his direct unfiltered drunk thoughts on Gears of War Judgment.I played the hell out of that game during development and I approved of every change that was made.
"But what if I dont like change cliffy............."
After the awful TV commercial, rumors were going around the epic forums that Judgement was the last locked up exclusive Gears of war for Microsoft. So MS are purposely PGR4-ing this game to let the series go into hibernation with a low profile before the future of the franchise (which will probably get money hatted and stay exclusive) is finalized. Thats why its not receiving the marketing budget that can feed 3-4 third world countries that usual MS first party games get. What do you think of this conspiracy theory, cliffy?
CliffyB said:

Devs: Epic and People can fly colab
Campaign and Co-op: 1-5 players
Versus : 2-10 players
Retail release: March 19th, 2013 (Preorder early access multiplayer hits 3 days before release, your progression from early access carries over to retail game)
Price: 60$ (if you are getting it, Microsofts online store has free 1600 points with it, so you can get it for 40$ at launch..........BOMBA)
Season pass: 1600 points (20$)

Before Marcus took his Doo-rag off in Gears 3 and changed the universe, this prequel sets up the events of the original trilogy. Takes place 14 years before Emergence Day, you’ll fight to save the city of Halvo Bay from the perspective of Kilo Squad, led by Baird and Cole. The story is told in part through a series of flashbacks. As war rages around them, Kilo Squad is put on trial and this leads up to testimonies and court scenes.
New Stuff:
You have the option to play the campaign levels as presented, or change it up by declassifying information with the new Declassified Testimony system. By declassifying testimonies within the course of the campaign, which act as side objectives, you can change up the game and campaign playthroughs wont be the same every time (think Left 4 Dead). Weapons and alternate scenarios will be unlocked, modifiers will be thrown in to mix up the combat (enemy rushes you with melee weapons more, FOG OF WAR etc.) and change up enemies, encounters, testimonies in court and other things story related People can fly wont tell us about.....cause you know story is so so important to gears, gotta keep it HUSH HUSH
Boooooooooooooooring............ZZzzZZZZzzzZZZZzzz, heres why you really play gears -

Updates - 1 primary weapon (any Riffle or any Shotgun), 1 secondary (pistols), Hit Y to switch between, No stopping power on guns, that visor thing that no one used other than to see through Smoke grenades on D-Pad, Ink doesnt stun, Flame grenades got buff, Smokes are thicker, Grenades have less radius, NO TAGGING WALLS, Boomshot splash damage tweeked, Sawed off has 2 shots (LOL), Armor customization along with weapons, Red vs Blue: RIP shirtless locusts :'(
New Stuff
- No down but not out, you straight fall over and die Call of duty style
- LB to toss grenades, they stick if you hit someone, Halo Style
- Loot chests for doing good in Multiplayer that unlocks things for your character, Diablo-Masseffect style
- Vertical maps and jumping/falling through ledges/windows, Paul Walker style
- PERMANENT double xp for season pass buyers, EA style
- Free for all mode for the first time in Gears
- Execution is still there, free dlc, sponsored by a titty magazine

- Free for all: everyone shoots everyone
- Team Deathmatch: shoot the other team
- Execution: Round based, 1 spawn per round, shoot the other team to win the round
New Stuff:
- Domination: Replaces king of the hill, 3 hills instead of 1, hold more and hold them longer while shooting the other team
- Surival: Replaces Horde. 10 longer, more difficult rounds instead of 50 rounds of ZzZzZzZ.
- Overrun: The mode they are pimping the most. COG vs Locust in class based, round based attack and defense. While COGS have classes like Engineer, Medic, Soldier, Scout, Locusts have different tiers of Creatures with different abilities. Public demo of this on live at launch.

lol theres like 4 maps

Gondola, Island, Streets, Library, Skyline, Junkyard. 2 more as free DLC sponsored by the titty magazine

All new copies come with digital download code for Gears 1, Preorder gets you Gears 1 hammerburst.
Gamestop - Early multiplayer demo that carries over to retail and Young Marcus
Microsoft Store - 1600 MS points and Alex Brand (new chick from comics or something)
Amazon - Young Dom
Bestbuy - Anya (Marcus' slam piece that no one cared about in gears 3 because Dom before hoes)
Walmart - Any 1 of the previous gears games
TL;DR - MS store gives you 20$, Gamestop gives you early multiplayer. rest are dumb of war turbo controller&tag=viglink129408-20

Journey that started in 2006, ends in 2013. We in the gears community get angry only because we care, but thank you for this franchise that defined the 360's identity Cliff. See you on the flipside.

Also PXG for letting me use some of his art (dont be angry at the game bro, it might be good, i hope), and SpacLock for being lazy and doing nothing
Launch trailer -
AWFUL Commercial -
More Videos, gameplay, trailers -!-11-days-and-counting