Gen Z reacts like there is something up their butt when a camera is looking at them.
When the subject knows there is a camera, the reaction video is staged.
I won't argue with that.They’ve grown watching people do this on YouTube.
Over half of these people look like millennials in appearance/age. I think it's just a react streamer compilation with an engaging title.Gen Z is thrash, a generation destroyed by social media and engagement economy.
As a Millennial, it is heartwarming to see that my generation is not the bottom of the barrel.Gen Z is thrash, a generation destroyed by social media and engagement economy.
gen-x reacts to anything / everything
gen-x reacts to anything / everything
I find it more healthy than the overreaction you see in these videos.
They look gen z to meGen Z? These kids look older than me.
Those reactions seem as fake as a 3 dollar bill.
Yeah, these aren’t Gen Z, no way on earth.Gen Z? These kids look older than me.
Because they were taught to as that's their socially acceptable response. If no audience, they wouldn't know how to react. What a long road to social development they'll endure.Gen Z reacts like there is something up their butt when a camera is looking at them.
When the subject knows there is a camera, the reaction video is staged.
Exactly. We tried to warn people when the participation awards started being given out to children, etc. When we got the ‘how dare you’ from society at large for speaking up about it, most of us knew society had jumped the shark and it would be only a matter of time before society collapsed into the hole they kept digging. Watch out for things like ‘Emotional Intelligence’ training, which is based on a theory by a quack from that grand era. It’s called manipulation and how to manipulate others and not feel bad about it. When your employer starts in on these trainings like ours did, say goodbye to that company.
Aint that the fucking truth. I am guilty of watching reaction videos, but the concept is so simple yet when you think about it... its almost cringe in some aspects. Some of them like the old white dude that listens to 2pac and cries.... get outta here with that shit!I wish I knew 15 years ago I could get millions of subscribers by watching literally anything and faking an orgasm on camera.
Gen Z is thrash, a generation destroyed by social media and engagement economy.
We were called ‘slackers’ by the baby boomers so much that it became a badge of honor. Many of us were the result 1960’s culture and growing up in Reagan’s 80’s kind of fueled a counter culture that has stood the test of time. We didn’t protest because our parents warned us about what happened to them. We knew that the government was not the most moral from the jump thanks to many of us growing up with fathers and uncles that were in Vietnam. I mean when you hear about what they did to your own family and that the Social Security system was going to not be there when we were older, yet still are made to pay into it- why actually work yourself to death for a potters field grave?Gen Z have the worst resilience. Unfortunately, Millennial idiots from my 'generation' are pandering to them.
The PM here in the UK had some nasty racist stuff said about him. They went on and on about whether it was okay to repeat the offending words.
And all I can think of is that pretty much the same was said to me when I was 14 and all I did was ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, thought those who said it were ignorant idiots, and got on with my day. It hasn't caused me life long trauma or the like.
They are not, Gen z are normal people like every other generation, except poorer. It is just people wanted to be go viral that made them fake those reactions.Gen Z have the worst resilience. Unfortunately, Millennial idiots from my 'generation' are pandering to them.
The PM here in the UK had some nasty racist stuff said about him. They went on and on about whether it was okay to repeat the offending words.
And all I can think of is that pretty much the same was said to me when I was 14 and all I did was ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, thought those who said it were ignorant idiots, and got on with my day. It hasn't caused me life long trauma or the like.
We should call them Generation P. As in Performative.
I bought the Slip Shady LP when I was 13. The guy at the checkout wasn’t going to sell it to me, but then he got my attention while I was walking out. It’s a great album. I also owned his D12 CD, so I don’t have to care about their opinions.
Yup. My friend’s parents asked me what I bought, so I pulled out a Creed CD. Ha