It's Until Dawn. So huzzah.Fuck off with the jack box ughhhhh
And I pray hope the next frights game isnt the 5th first person running game
They have a whole play though and its not even scary ugh.It's Until Dawn. So huzzah.
King dice freaking sucks. God damn
They have a whole play though and it's not even scary ugh.
Most disappointing series in site history, so many unique horror games out there!
So many unique forms that people might not see. Every one of them having clear attack tells and weaknesses. King Dice is one of the best bosses in gaming history. Everything about him's amazing and challenging. What's your issue?
Here's my issue. I SUCK.
I agree though. visually and conceptually a fantastic boss
this jeff mixlr is creepy
None of the choices you make matter until the last hour outside of one interlude not brought up to the very end, andIt's not super scary but how's it not unique? You take a bunch of amazingly well done horror tropes into a really fun horror scenario where choices have a huge impact on how things go forward. What unique horror games do you like?
Patrick Gill joins the crew just in time for Dan to force everyone to eat something terrible!
None of the choices you make matter until the last hour outside on one interlude not brought up to the very end, andcant die until the last scene of the game. I loved it the first time around but replays show the entire thing is nothing but smoke and mirrors with random bars after every action. Its a telltale game though and through, not that I hate them by any means. Just seems absurd that to this point its been nothing but modern games (4 being runners) and a game theyve played through already. Of course its for Abbeys benefit but meh3 characters
You've all just been activated
Man the Evil Within 2 seems like a game that deserves more love than it's getting.
Man the Evil Within 2 seems like a game that deserves more love than it's getting.
Man the Evil Within 2 seems like a game that deserves more love than it's getting.
Just like the first one.
Bethesda games that are fucking awful get stupid amounts of love and the games they publish that are great get none of it. This is the way of things.
Haha, that's true isn't it? Maaan. Bethesda is that deserves more love than it's getting? gee that sure sounds like a bethesda publishing release
Man the Evil Within 2 seems like a game that deserves more love than it's getting.
abby has the best reactions
Did this trend of Bethesda-published games underperforming start happening around the same time they stopped giving out early review copies
Mhm, the biggest thing that turned me off from the first one was the black bars thing. I should really go back to it.
Haha, that's true isn't it? Maaan. Bethesda is weird.
They actually put out review copies for The Evil Within 2 and Dishonored: Death of the Outsider, so I think that review policy thing might be over? Not sure.
I think the production values and acting are great, and certainly set it apart in that respect but the c/c just dont matter in any way until the very end of the game. Which is true of most games and I cant think of a better one off the top of my head but its all the more frustrating with Until Dawn because its a really long game where almost nothing has ramifications until the last act. And the exceptions happen very early on and then arent mentioned until the last ten minutes. Its just something that doesnt hold up to scrutiny.The cast is far larger than the number you spoilered though, right? No many other games go to the same lengths, especially with those production values. The games obviously smoke and mirrors but it's better than most attempts outside of the like of Alpha Protocol and Age of Decadence. To say it's like a Tell Tale game where nothing matters isn't fair. It has great production values, acting, and I can't think of any game in the genre that does choices/consequences better. It should also make a great one playthrough stream.
I asked what games you think do it better though and I'm honestly curious?
Brad grabs a bag, Rorie asks for help, Ben kills hundreds, and Jeff cheats.
Hells yea, Alex
I think the production values and acting are great, and certainly set it apart in that respect but the c/c just dont matter in any way until the very end of the game. Which is true of most games and I cant think of a better one off the top of my head but its all the more frustrating with Until Dawn because its a really long game where almost nothing has ramifications until the last act. And the exceptions happen very early on and then arent mentioned until the last ten minutes. Its just something that doesnt hold up to scrutiny.
It isn't... until David Lynch AND Mark Frost left and it was the other two co-writers doing the heavy lifting and not having the deft touch that Lynch and Frost had. It gets pretty rough there, but thank god they set things up for the best 3 episode stretch of TV history: those last 3 episodes