Musashi Wins!
City of Heroes (PC) 8/10
Mega Man Battle Network 4 (GBA) 8/10
Smash Court Pro Tennis 2 (PS2) 6/10
Chronicles of Riddick (Xbox) 9/10
Mega Man Anniversary Col. (PS2/GC) 9/10
Karaoke Revolution Vol. 2 (PS2) 8/10
Sonic Advance 3 (GBA) 8/10
Psi-Ops (Xbox/PS2) 8/10
Harry Potter Azkaban (GC/Xbox/PS2) 7/10
Harry Potter Azkaban (GBA) 6/10
MLB Slugfest Loaded (Xbox/PS2) 7/10
Shadow Ops (Xbox) 4/10
Full Spectrum Warrior (Xbox) 8/10
Tales of Symphonia (GC) 8/10
Way of the Samurai 2 (PS2) 6/10
Bujingai (PS2) 7/10
Thief (Xbox/PC) 8/10
Retro Reviews
Ridge Racer Type 4 Then 9/ Now 8
Revelations: Persona Then 9/ Now 8
Persona 2 Then 8/ Now 8
Mega Man Battle Network 4 (GBA) 8/10
Smash Court Pro Tennis 2 (PS2) 6/10
Chronicles of Riddick (Xbox) 9/10
Mega Man Anniversary Col. (PS2/GC) 9/10
Karaoke Revolution Vol. 2 (PS2) 8/10
Sonic Advance 3 (GBA) 8/10
Psi-Ops (Xbox/PS2) 8/10
Harry Potter Azkaban (GC/Xbox/PS2) 7/10
Harry Potter Azkaban (GBA) 6/10
MLB Slugfest Loaded (Xbox/PS2) 7/10
Shadow Ops (Xbox) 4/10
Full Spectrum Warrior (Xbox) 8/10
Tales of Symphonia (GC) 8/10
Way of the Samurai 2 (PS2) 6/10
Bujingai (PS2) 7/10
Thief (Xbox/PC) 8/10
Retro Reviews
Ridge Racer Type 4 Then 9/ Now 8
Revelations: Persona Then 9/ Now 8
Persona 2 Then 8/ Now 8