I've been experimenting lately with a lot of music. And just finding new bands. And i got Lost Prophets cd, and a collection of Muse albums (thanks for the thread with the live tracks, i was looking for those bootlegs) I just cant stop listening to This music, with a good mix of Probot, and Pantera i'm going nuts. My head is about to explode.
So what new bands have you guys been experimenting with?
Anything in the vain of the above music that i should check out? I'm not saying i'm a music know it all. I just know i'm missing out on a lot of music i think i would like and a lot of you guys know a heck of a lot about music.
So what new bands have you guys been experimenting with?
Anything in the vain of the above music that i should check out? I'm not saying i'm a music know it all. I just know i'm missing out on a lot of music i think i would like and a lot of you guys know a heck of a lot about music.