I guess people who were never going to buy the game can find value in the VentureBeat review?
I really hoped that Polyphony Digital, with Kazunori Yamauchi at its helm, would manage to solve the problems that this game series has carried over the last decade. Unfortunately, that isn't the case, because GT6 seems like an insipid and sloppy expansion that sadly still has too many problems. The studio attempts to entertain you with a lot of things, but they deflate your tires at the same time, and even though a lot of those ingredients have great potential or even work, the sum of the positive aspects is nullified by the same number of misses.
I slipped some swear words and grit my teeth during these miserable, wretched driving tests. Because even though they can be done in 15 minutes before getting to the next class, I know I'll have to do that all over again in half an hour to unlock the next phase. This looks like giving the finger to all the people that just paid full price for a car game whose content is advertised as fast, filled with adrenaline and full of action. Everything is locked. As a player, I'm punished constantly with moments of slowness that tire my patience and often make GT6 a nuisance.
Homemade mathematical systems and formulas that try to calculate how it feels to drive a racing car work up to a point. After that, it's the developers the ones that have to try to simulate the sensation of gravity, acceleration and friction taking notes of their own experiences behind the wheel of a real car. This is where Polyphony fails again and there's no doubt that Forza Motorsport 4 is a lot closer to the real deal if we talk about simulations.
ohhhh, you know, his obvious disinterest in reviewing the game...What do you take issue with in that paragraph?
ohhhh, you know, his obvious disinterest in reviewing the game...
lets focus in on this line "My lack of digital driving skills is without question. Yet, here I am reviewing Gran Turismo 6, Polyphony Digitals latest entry in its long-running Real Driving Simulator franchise."
Hypothetical: I'm a heterosexual, but my boss told me I need to do are review about what its like to receive anal... Ok! here we go. Final Verdict: My butt hurts 1 out 5.
Hypothetical: I'm a heterosexual, but my boss told me I need to do are review about what its like to receive anal... Ok! here we go. Final Verdict: My butt hurts 1 out 5.
I would subtract even more points from my GT6 review score.What if your doctor walked into the room and said that with a grin on his face then continued to operate on you anyway?
As a nonracing fan, theres a lot about it I still dont understand. What are performance points and why are they important?
Heh it is weird to see game getting better and reviews getting lower.
Unfortunately, our critical analysis of WWSM '08 focused more on what the author wanted it to be rather than what the product actually was.
A human translation of the gamereactor.es review part in the OP:
Other points of interest:
-The site says the reviewer is "el único de nuestros compañeros que pilota en la vida real", or "the only one of us who races in real life".
-The reviewer considers that over the years the game part of GT has been neglected over the simulation part. He found GT6 not fun or realistic enough, and that made it "a mediocre racing game and one of the biggest disappointments of the year"
-After the intro race, he played events for 4 hours to buy a Honda Jazz. He found that slow and boring. Also, he didn't like that car, he found it handled like a slow miniature van, so racing with it was unexciting
-He didn't like the license requirement to unlock different Classes in Career mode, because he found getting licenses slow (9 races in total before the first exam phase that also takes some time to beat)
-I think this part sums up his expectations:
-Wasn't happy with loading times and menus. The last ones are easier to navigate but still have problems, like having to press 9 buttons in order to get to the next event after winning a race or having the cursor on "Race again" by default instead of "Next race"
-Found the physics enhancements minimal and most of them insignificant. The only one he really noticed was cars having more lateral grip. Overall, the physics are lifeless and mechanic, and lack unpredictability and feeling of speed. He found Forza Motorsport 4 to have the perfect equilibrium. Even deactivating all the aids and turning Traction Control to 0 it never seems really dangerous or risky to move the center of gravity of the car abruptly, since it's almost impossible to completely lose traction.
-He has a Nissan GT-R R35, which is also in the game, but the game doesn't capture the sensation of driving it. Has apparently driven an actual Mitsubishi Evolution IX and says the game version feels like a completely different car. He expands on that point, but I don't know much about cars so I can't translate that.
-Another nice quote:
-Physics in asphalt are weak, in snow are worse and in gravel even worse. Rally sections are the worst in the entire subgenre.
-Drifting feels great and close to the real deal.
-Graphically, some cars look great while others reek of PS2. Got framedrops to ~15 on some races. I'm not very fluid in graphics lingo so I don't understand this part: "About the lightning in the game, in several occations it looks too flat"
-He didn't like the music in the menus or the sound effects. "A Corvette Stingray 2014 sounds like a sewing machine [...]. Crashes sound even worse, and when you slam against a resistance it sounds like in its predecessor, like if you slammed together two empty tupperwares like cymbals"
-He liked the online part. Better presentation, more fluid and has more functions than previous games
+Tons of cars, numerous circuits, expanded online elements, good drifting
-Rigid, lifeless physics. Stupid AI, slow Career mode, weak feeling of speed, mediocre sound
Disclaimer: I haven't played any Gran Turismo game, but I found this review interesting and I like translating things. Checked game specific terms in google, but it's harder when it's between different languages, so I can only hope I didn't get anything wrong
Okay so this game is getting crucified by critics. 75 on Metacritic right now. Didn't expect that, especially after you go through the reviews which cite the same points as previous GT reviews. Weird.
Come on, boys, grab your pitchforks! We must protect the Metacritic score! You know, the thing we claim not to care about until a game we like gets a bad one?/s
(Also, the VentureBeat review was written by a woman. I keep seeing people refer to the reviewer as "he". Just wanted to point that out.)
I disagree. I think it's good to get opinions from all perspectives.
Looks like Forza wins this round. I have to say, I haven't heard a while lot about GT6 in terms of marketing and such. Is it even out on PS4?
Why am I not surprised to find peterb0y defending the press in here after some of them wrote some truly atrocious reviews? You're the hero they don't need right now. You definitely don't need to defend the mario kart fan who hates racing games. That review would be like me trying to play this and reviewing it as someone who normally can't get into racing sims that much.
ohhhh, you know, his obvious disinterest in reviewing the game...
lets focus in on this line "My lack of digital driving skills is without question. Yet, here I am reviewing Gran Turismo 6, Polyphony Digitals latest entry in its long-running Real Driving Simulator franchise."
Hypothetical: I'm a heterosexual, but my boss told me I need to do are review about what its like to receive anal... Ok! here we go. Final Verdict: My butt hurts 1 out 5.
Looks like Forza wins this round. I have to say, I haven't heard a while lot about GT6 in terms of marketing and such. Is it even out on PS4?
I'm writing a review but it hasn't gone live because I got the game Wednesday and two days is no where near long enough to write a review for a Gran Turismo game.
This fucker didn't play the game and VB should retract the review.
Fuck that noise.
Back in the days, when printed magazines were still a thing, I remember most of them had the main article typically written by a journalist, and then there were some short paragraphs written by others, popping up elsewhere in the review page(s), even from those who hated the entire genre the game belonged to.
Of course hearing opinions from all perspectives is a good thing, but ffs main review has to be written by someone who enjoys the genre and knows what he is talking about. What's the point of writing/reading a review of a hard metal album when the reviewer only loves rap?
I don't give a lick a bout the NFL. Didn't grow up in the states, don't understand why the superbowl is so popular. what use would my nfl madden review serve you if i don't at least look up what its rules are and what its about?I'm not defending some amorphous, all encompassing "press." Rather, I was defending one reviewers take, not even the whole review itself. I don't subscribe to the notion that GAMES JOURNALISM is broken, or really is fucked in the way you seem to (I actually find takes like the concept behind the VB review good for videogames as a whole). Instead, I just find the reviews generally awful as written pieces.
I think a review should be able to stand alone as a written piece, and entertain me for the few minutes it takes me to read it. Most are just awful, no more than a checklist in paragraph form, going sometimes into too much detail that doesn't give me a good sense of the reviewer's overall personal reaction to the game.
Not every review needs to be the opinion of an expert; if someone not well versed in car games had a bad time with it, well, thats still a valid opinion to me, which is all reviews are. A broad spectrum of reviews and reviewers is good.
Perhaps the first time ever that a 9/10 review has me deciding to not buy the game.
I'd read that review
Quick question, if I want a GT-game, should I buy this or GT5?
Perhaps the first time ever that a 9/10 review has me deciding to not buy the game.
Quick question, if I want a GT-game, should I buy this or GT5?
How so? The review is full of praise.
Pretty damning. I guess I'm not buying Gran Turismo, again. They really need to work on the sense of speed, the sound and the damn physics.
Why? What would you expect to learn from such a review? That someone who doesn't like metal... doesn't like metal? Wow.
I think it's all ok, if the reviewer just states his stance on the matter clearly enough, like that Venture Beat guy did.I think a reviewer needs to have a appreciation for the type of game he is reviewing, just as reviewers of other products do.
You don't review a car like a boat.
Sinks like a stone. 7.5/10.
Other than that I agree with your point that every reviewer does not need to be an expert, but they need to understand what they are reviewing. If not, you end up with stuff like that IGN Football Manager review.
Agreed. Basic fact checking is appreciated however. Like knowing the name of the developer.
I'd hope that a review would be more than just conclusions, and that the reviewer would lay out his arguments and experiences in a readable, thought provoking fashion.
Reviews are more (or should be more) than the conclusion at the end.
I'd hope that a review would be more than just conclusions, and that the reviewer would lay out his arguments and experiences in a readable, thought provoking fashion.
Reviews are more (or should be more) than the conclusion at the end.
Dude is part of the game industry and he can't even get the name of the company right.
What kind of shit is this?
I think it's all ok, if the reviewer just states his stance on the matter clearly enough, like that Venture Beat guy did.
It tells you right away, that the target audience for the review is people like him. It's an entirely different thing if the reviewer has no clue, but pretends he does.
GT6 is an upgrade in every way to GT5. GT5 would only piss you off as it's navigation is extremely slow, and the game has a lot of flaws in itself.